[jifty-devel] Example of a form that sends its rusult to the own region?

Andreas J. Koenig andreas.koenig.7os6VVqR at franz.ak.mind.de
Mon Jun 18 18:41:41 EDT 2007

>>>>> On Mon, 18 Jun 2007 11:51:39 -0400, Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com> said:

  > On Jun 17, 2007, at 9:01 AM, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:

 >> Maybe I'm blind but I'm just overwhelmed by the rich set of
 >> documentation and at the moment I cannot figure out how to write a
 >> simple form with a simple submit button that sends the content of a
 >> simple text field only to its own region.

  > So, you have a region defined ok, right?

Yes, I have now 5 regions.

In 4 of them I got everything working as I wanted with the help of
"Jifty->web->link()". It was a lot of fun by the way and the regions
talk very nicely to each other and update themselves. But now I want a
text field, a simple text field.

  > And you _can_ get at Jifty-
  > handler-> cgi to get your argument (though we'd normally be running
  > CGI params through a Jifty::Action)?

I get an object when I run Jifty->handler->cgi, blessed into CGI, but
it doesn't help me, the param method returns nothing interesting.

  > I _think_ that the automatic region submit stuff will only submit
  > action parameters, not all form fields (though Firebug will tell you
  > for sure)

I think you describe my problem very well.

  > I think Sterling explained the as_button/as_link stuff, so you can
  > render the Jifty->web->link as you want.

Yes, thanks, Sterling, the onclick and the as_button arguments were
helpful, but I'm still missing the parameter from the form field.

  > If you explain what you're doing i na bit more detail, I can help fill
  > in missing pieces. (Though I'm offline from 20 June to 4 July).

I cut it down to this simple example which at the moment does not do
anything useful but should make my intentions clear. A single form
field and a button. What I'm missing now is a way to read the value
that the user has typed in. I append my unsuccessful code and the
output from Data::Dumper below.

Thanks for your help,

 my $action = Jifty->web->new_action(
                                     class => 'SearchDistro',
                                     arguments => {'searchterm' => undef},
 my $cgi = Jifty->handler->cgi();
 my $st1 = $cgi->param('searchterm');
 my $st2 = $action->get('searchterm');
 require Data::Dumper;
 warn Data::Dumper->new([CGI => $cgi, A => $action, ST1 => $st1, ST2 => $st2],[qw()])->Indent(1)->Useqq(1)->Dump;

<div align="left">
 <% Jifty->web->form->start() %>
 <% $action->form_field('searchterm') %>
 <% $action->button( label => 'Search',
                     onclick => {
                                 refresh => "querydemo",
                    ) %>
  <% Jifty->web->form->end() %>

WARN - $VAR1 = "CGI";
$VAR2 = bless( {
  ".parameters" => [
  "use_tempfile" => 1,
  ".charset" => "ISO-8859-1",
  "POSTDATA" => [
  ".fieldnames" => {},
  "escape" => 1
}, 'CGI' );
$VAR3 = "A";
$VAR4 = bless( {
  "sticky_on_failure" => 1,
  "sticky_on_success" => 0,
  "values_from_request" => {
    "searchterm" => 0
  "moniker" => "auto-b1dadc3d60f9d4caf64464586dfa305d-1",
  "_current_user" => bless( {
    "is_superuser" => 1
  }, 'Pocpoc::CurrentUser' ),
  "record" => bless( {
    "_current_user" => $VAR4->{"_current_user"},
    "input_filters" => [
  }, 'Pocpoc::Model::Distro' ),
  "order" => undef,
  "argument_values" => {
    "searchterm" => undef
  "result" => bless( {
    "_content" => {},
    "failure" => 0,
    "action_class" => "Pocpoc::Action::SearchDistro"
  }, 'Jifty::Result' )
}, 'Pocpoc::Action::SearchDistro' );
$VAR5 = "ST1";
$VAR6 = undef;
$VAR7 = "ST2";
$VAR8 = undef;

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