[Jifty-commit] r2873 - in jifty/branches/template-declare: .

jifty-commit at lists.jifty.org jifty-commit at lists.jifty.org
Wed Feb 28 16:34:47 EST 2007

Author: jesse
Date: Wed Feb 28 16:34:35 2007
New Revision: 2873

   jifty/branches/template-declare/   (props changed)

 r48620 at pinglin:  jesse | 2007-02-28 15:41:51 -0500
 * quiet down a diag message

Modified: jifty/branches/template-declare/t/Continuations/t/02-api.t
--- jifty/branches/template-declare/t/Continuations/t/02-api.t	(original)
+++ jifty/branches/template-declare/t/Continuations/t/02-api.t	Wed Feb 28 16:34:35 2007
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
 #### Create and call
 # Create a continuation
 ok($mech->find_link( text => "Get help" ), "'Get Help' link exists");
 $mech->follow_link_ok( text => "Get help" );

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