[Jifty-commit] r2799 - in jifty/branches/template-declare: . lib/Jifty/Plugin/OnlineDocs lib/Jifty/Plugin/OnlineDocs/share lib/Jifty/Plugin/OnlineDocs/share/web lib/Jifty/Plugin/OnlineDocs/share/web/templates lib/Jifty/Plugin/OnlineDocs/share/web/templates/__jifty lib/Jifty/Plugin/OnlineDocs/share/web/templates/__jifty/online_docs lib/Jifty/View/Declare share/web/templates/__jifty/admin share/web/templates/__jifty/css share/web/templates/__jifty/js share/web/templates/__jifty/online_docs

jifty-commit at lists.jifty.org jifty-commit at lists.jifty.org
Sat Feb 17 21:06:31 EST 2007

Author: jesse
Date: Sat Feb 17 21:06:30 2007
New Revision: 2799

      - copied from r2191, /jifty/branches/template-declare/share/web/templates/__jifty/online_docs/
   jifty/branches/template-declare/   (props changed)

 r48341 at pinglin:  jesse | 2007-02-17 21:06:06 -0500
 * First stab at refactoring UI features into plugins using Template::Declare

Modified: jifty/branches/template-declare/lib/Jifty/Test.pm
--- jifty/branches/template-declare/lib/Jifty/Test.pm	(original)
+++ jifty/branches/template-declare/lib/Jifty/Test.pm	Sat Feb 17 21:06:30 2007
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
       $schema->{create_database} =
         $schema->{create_all_tables} = 1;
+    Jifty->handle(undef); # get rid of the handle the schema tool created.
@@ -409,6 +410,7 @@
             my $schema = Jifty::Script::Schema->new;
             $schema->{drop_database} = 1;
+            Jifty->handle(undef); # get rid of the handle the schema tool created.

Modified: jifty/branches/template-declare/lib/Jifty/View/Declare/CoreTemplates.pm
--- jifty/branches/template-declare/lib/Jifty/View/Declare/CoreTemplates.pm	(original)
+++ jifty/branches/template-declare/lib/Jifty/View/Declare/CoreTemplates.pm	Sat Feb 17 21:06:30 2007
@@ -6,1532 +6,4 @@
 use Jifty::View::Declare -base;
-use Scalar::Defer;
-template '_elements/nav' => sub {
-    my $top = Jifty->web->navigation;
-    $top->child( Home => url => "/", sort_order => 1, label => _('Home') );
-    if ( Jifty->config->framework('AdminMode') ) {
-        $top->child(
-            Administration =>
-              url          => "/__jifty/admin/",
-            label      => _('Administration'),
-            sort_order => 998
-        );
-        $top->child(
-            OnlineDocs =>
-              url      => "/__jifty/online_docs/",
-            label      => _('Online docs'),
-            sort_order => 999
-        );
-    }
-    return ();
-template '_elements/sidebar' => sub {
-    with( id => "salutation" ), div {
-        if (    Jifty->web->current_user->id
-            and Jifty->web->current_user->user_object )
-        {
-            my $u      = Jifty->web->current_user->user_object;
-            my $method = $u->_brief_description;
-            _( 'Hiya, %1.', $u->$method() );
-        }
-        else {
-            _("You're not currently signed in.");
-        }
-    };
-    with( id => "navigation" ), div {
-        Jifty->web->navigation->render_as_menu;
-    };
-template '_elements/header' => sub {
-    my ($title) = get_current_attr(qw(title));
-    Jifty->handler->apache->content_type('text/html; charset=utf-8');
-    head {
-        with(
-            'http-equiv' => "content-type",
-            content      => "text/html; charset=utf-8"
-          ),
-          meta {};
-        with( name => 'robots', content => 'all' ), meta {};
-        title { _($title) };
-        Jifty->web->include_css;
-        Jifty->web->include_javascript;
-      }
-template '__jifty/subs' => sub {
-    my ($forever) = get(qw(forever)) || 1;
-    Jifty->handler->apache->content_type("text/html; charset=utf-8");
-    Jifty->handler->apache->headers_out->{'Pragma'}        = 'no-cache';
-    Jifty->handler->apache->headers_out->{'Cache-control'} = 'no-cache';
-    Jifty->handler->apache->send_http_header;
-    my $writer = XML::Writer->new;
-    $writer->xmlDecl( "UTF-8", "yes" );
-    my $begin = <<'END';
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xhtml1-20020801/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
-    chomp $begin;
-    if ($forever) {
-        my $whitespace = " " x ( 1024 - length $begin );
-        $begin =~ s/<body>$/$whitespace/s;
-    }
-    Jifty->web->out($begin);
-    $writer->startTag("body");
-    while (1) {
-        my $sent = write_subs_once($writer);
-        flush STDOUT;
-        last if ( $sent && !$forever );
-        sleep 1;
-    }
-    $writer->endTag();
-    return;
-sub write_subs_once {
-    my $writer = shift;
-    Jifty::Subs::Render->render(
-        Jifty->web->session->id,
-        sub {
-            my ( $mode, $name, $content ) = @_;
-            $writer->startTag( "pushfrag", mode => $mode );
-            $writer->startTag( "fragment", id   => $name );
-            $writer->dataElement( "content", $content );
-            $writer->endTag();
-            $writer->endTag();
-        }
-    );
-template '__jifty/admin/_elements/nav' => sub {
-    my $nav =
-      Jifty->web->navigation->child(
-        "Administration" => url => '/__jifty/admin/' );
-    foreach my $model ( Jifty->class_loader->models ) {
-        next unless $model->isa('Jifty::Record');
-        next unless ( $model =~ /^(?:.*)::(.*?)$/ );
-        my $type = $1;
-        $nav->child( $type => url => '/__jifty/admin/model/' . $type );
-    }
-    return;
-template '__jifty/admin/action/dhandler' => sub {
-    # XXX move to dispatcher
-    my $action_class = Jifty->api->qualify( die('$m->dhandler_arg') );
-    my $action = new_action(
-        class   => $action_class,
-        moniker => "run-$action_class",
-    );
-    $action->sticky_on_failure(1);
-    page {
-        form {
-            for ( $action->argument_names ) {
-                render_param( $action, $_ );
-            }
-            Jifty->web->form->submit( label => _("Run the action") );
-        };
-        h2 { _('Done?') };
-        hyperlink(
-            url   => "/__jifty/admin/",
-            label => _('Back to the admin console')
-        );
-      }
-template '__jifty/admin/autohandler' => sub {
-# If "AdminMode" is turned off in Jifty's config file, don't let people at the admin UI.
-    unless ( Jifty->config->framework('AdminMode') ) {
-        redirect('/__jifty/error/permission_denied');
-        return;
-    }
-    show('/__jifty/admin/elements/nav'); # XXX TODO hm. should be in dispatcher.
-template '__jifty/admin/fragments/list/list' => sub {
-    my ( $object_type, $page, $new_slot, $item_path ) =
-      get(qw( object_type page new_slot item_path ));
-    $page ||= 1;
-    $new_slot = 1 unless defined $new_slot;
-    $item_path ||= "/__jifty/admin/fragments/list/view";
-    my $collection_class =
-      Jifty->app_class( "Model", $object_type . "Collection" );
-    my $search = Jifty->web->response->result('search');
-    my $collection;
-    if ( !$search ) {
-        $collection = $collection_class->new();
-        $collection->unlimit();
-    }
-    else {
-        $collection = $search->content('search');
-        warn $collection->build_select_query;
-    }
-    $collection->set_page_info(
-        current_page => $page,
-        per_page     => 25
-    );
-    my $search_region = Jifty::Web::PageRegion->new(
-        name => 'search',
-        path => '/__jifty/empty',
-    );
-    hyperlink(
-        onclick => [
-            {
-                region       => $search_region->qualified_name,
-                replace_with => '/__jifty/admin/fragments/list/search',
-                toggle       => 1,
-                args         => { object_type => $object_type }
-            },
-        ],
-        label => _('Toggle search')
-    );
-    $search_region->render;
-    if ( $collection->pager->last_page > 1 ) {
-        with( class => "page-count" ), span {
-            _( 'Page %1 of %2', $page, $collection->pager->last_page );
-          }
-    }
-    if ( $collection->pager->total_entries == 0 ) {
-        _('No items found');
-    }
-    with( class => "list" ), div {
-        while ( my $item = $collection->next ) {
-            Jifty->web->region(
-                name     => 'item-' . $item->id,
-                path     => $item_path,
-                defaults => { id => $item->id, object_type => $object_type }
-            );
-        }
-    };
-    with( class => "paging" ), div {
-        if ( $collection->pager->previous_page ) {
-            with( class => "prev-page" ), span {
-                hyperlink(
-                    label   => _("Previous Page"),
-                    onclick =>
-                      { args => { page => $collection->pager->previous_page } }
-                );
-              }
-        }
-        if ( $collection->pager->next_page ) {
-            with( class => "next-page" ), span {
-                hyperlink(
-                    label   => _("Next Page"),
-                    onclick =>
-                      { args => { page => $collection->pager->next_page } }
-                );
-              }
-        }
-    };
-    if ($new_slot) {
-        Jifty->web->region(
-            name     => 'new_item',
-            path     => "/__jifty/admin/fragments/list/new_item",
-            defaults => { object_type => $object_type },
-        );
-    }
-# When you hit "save" and create a item, you want to put a fragment
-# containing the new item in the associated list and refresh the current
-# fragment
-template '__jifty/admin/fragments/list/new_item' => sub {
-    my ( $object_type, $region ) = get(qw(object_type region));
-    my $record_class = Jifty->app_class( "Model", $object_type );
-    my $create = new_action( class => 'Create' . $object_type );
-    with( class => "jifty_admin create item inline" ), div {
-        foreach my $argument ( $create->argument_names ) {
-            render_param( $create => $argument );
-        }
-    };
-    Jifty->web->form->submit(
-        label   => _('Create'),
-        onclick => [
-            { submit       => $create },
-            { refresh_self => 1 },
-            {
-                element => $region->parent->get_element('div.list'),
-                append  => '/__jifty/admin/fragments/list/view',
-                args    => {
-                    object_type => $object_type,
-                    id          => { result_of => $create, name => 'id' },
-                },
-            },
-        ]
-      )
-template '__jifty/admin/fragments/list/search' => sub {
-    my ($object_type) = get(qw(object_type));
-    my $search = new_action(
-        class             => "Search" . $object_type,
-        moniker           => "search",
-        sticky_on_success => 1,
-    );
-    with( class => "jifty_admin" ), div {
-        for my $arg ( $search->argument_names ) {
-            render_param( $search => $arg );
-        }
-        $search->button(
-            label   => _('Search'),
-            onclick => {
-                submit  => $search,
-                refresh => Jifty->web->current_region->parent,
-                args    => { page => 1 }
-            }
-        );
-        hr {};
-      }
-template '__jifty/admin/fragments/list/update' => sub {
-    my ( $id, $object_type ) = get(qw(id object_type));
-    my $record_class = Jifty->app_class( "Model", $object_type );
-    my $record       = $record_class->new();
-    my $update       = new_action(
-        class   => "Update" . $object_type,
-        moniker => "update-" . Jifty->web->serial,
-        record  => $record
-    );
-    with( class => "jifty_admin update item inline $object_type" ), div {
-        with( class => "editlink" ), div {
-            hyperlink(
-                label   => _("Save"),
-                onclick => [
-                    { submit => $update },
-                    {
-                        replace_with => '/__jifty/admin/fragments/list/view',
-                        args => { object_type => $object_type, id => $id }
-                    }
-                ]
-            );
-            hyperlink(
-                label   => _("Cancel"),
-                onclick => {
-                    replace_with => '/__jifty/admin/fragments/list/view',
-                    args         => { object_type => $object_type, id => $id }
-                },
-                as_button => 1
-            );
-        };
-        foreach my $argument ( $update->argument_names ) {
-            render_param( $update => $argument );
-        }
-        hr {};
-    };
-template '__jifty/admin/fragments/list/view' => sub {
-    my ( $id, $object_type ) = get(qw( id object_type ));
-    my $record_class = Jifty->app_class( "Model", $object_type );
-    my $record = $record_class->new();
-    $record->load($id);
-    my $update = new_action(
-        class   => "Update" . $object_type,
-        moniker => "update-" . Jifty->web->serial,
-        record  => $record
-    );
-    my $delete = new_action(
-        class   => "Delete" . $object_type,
-        moniker => "delete-" . Jifty->web->serial,
-        record  => $record
-    );
-    with( class => "jifty_admin read item inline" ), div {
-        Jifty->web->form->submit(
-            class   => "editlink",
-            label   => _("Delete"),
-            submit  => $delete,
-            onclick => {
-                confirm => _("Confirm delete?"),
-                delete  => Jifty->web->current_region->qualified_name
-            },
-        );
-        hyperlink(
-            label   => _("Edit"),
-            class   => "editlink",
-            onclick => {
-                replace_with => "/__jifty/admin/fragments/list/update",
-                args         => { object_type => $object_type, id => $id }
-            },
-            as_button => 1
-        );
-        $delete->hidden( 'id', $id );
-        foreach my $argument ( $update->argument_names ) {
-            unless ( $argument =~ /_confirm$/
-                && lc $update->arguments->{$argument}{render_as} eq 'password' )
-            {
-                render_param( $update => $argument, render_mode => 'read' );
-            }
-        }
-        hr {};
-    };
-template '__jifty/admin/index' => page {
-    title is 'Jifty Administrative Console' ;
-        h1 { _('Database Administration') };
-        p {
-            _(
-'This console lets you manage the records in your Jifty database. Below, you should see a list of all your database tables. Feel free to go through and add, delete or modify records.'
-            );
-        };
-        p {
-            _(
-'To disable this administrative console, add "AdminMode: 0" under the "framework:" settings in the config file (etc/config.yml).'
-            );
-        };
-        h2 { _('Models') };
-        ul {
-            foreach my $model ( Jifty->class_loader->models ) {
-                next unless $model->isa('Jifty::Record');
-                next unless ( $model =~ /^(?:.*)::(.*?)$/ );
-                my $type = $1;
-                li {
-                    hyperlink(
-                        url   => '/__jifty/admin/model/' . $type,
-                        label => $type
-                    );
-                };
-            }
-        };
-        h2 { _('Actions') };
-        ul {
-            foreach my $action ( Jifty->api->actions ) {
-                Jifty::Util->require($action);
-                next
-                  if (  $action->can('autogenerated')
-                    and $action->autogenerated );
-                li {
-                    hyperlink(
-                        url   => '/__jifty/admin/action/' . $action,
-                        label => $action
-                    );
-                };
-            }
-        };
-        h2 { _('Done?') };
-        Jifty->web->return(
-            to    => "/",
-            label => _('Back to the application')
-        );
-template '__jifty/admin/model/dhandler' => page {
-    # XXX move to dispatcher
-    my $object_type = die('$m->dhandler_arg');
-    my $collection_class =
-      Jifty->app_class( "Model", $object_type . "Collection" );
-    my $records = $collection_class->new();
-    $records->unlimit;
-        h1 { _( 'Manage records: [_1]', $object_type ) };
-        form {
-            Jifty->web->region(
-                name     => "admin-$object_type",
-                path     => "/__jifty/admin/fragments/list/list",
-                defaults => {
-                    object_type   => $object_type,
-                    render_submit => 1
-                }
-            );
-        };
-        h2 { _('Done?') };
-        hyperlink(
-            url   => "/__jifty/admin/",
-            label => _('Back to the admin console')
-        );
-template '__jifty/autocomplete.xml' => sub {
-    # Note: the only point to this file is to set the content_type; the actual
-    # behavior is accomplished inside the framework.  It will go away once we
-    # have infrastructure for serving things of various content-types.
-    Jifty->handler->apache->content_type('text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
-    my $ref = Jifty->web->response->result('autocomplete')->content;
-    my @options = @{ $ref->{'completions'} || [] };
-    body {
-        ul {
-            foreach my $item (@options) {
-                if ( !ref($item) ) {
-                    li { $item };
-                }
-                elsif ( exists $item->{label} ) {
-                    li {
-                        with( class => "informal" ), span { $item->{label} };
-                        with( class => "hidden_value" ),
-                          span { $item->{value} };
-                    };
-                }
-                else {
-                    li { $item->{value} };
-                }
-            }
-        };
-    };
-template '__jifty/css/dhandler' => sub {
-    # XXX move to dispatcher
-    if ( die('$m->dhandler_arg') !~ /^[0-9a-f]{32}\.css$/ ) {
-        # This doesn't look like a real request for squished CSS,
-        # so redirect to a more failsafe place
-        Jifty->web->redirect( "/static/css/" . die('$m->dhandler_arg') );
-    }
-    Jifty->web->generate_css;
-    use HTTP::Date ();
-    if ( Jifty->handler->cgi->http('If-Modified-Since')
-        and die('$m->dhandler_arg') eq Jifty->web->cached_css_digest . '.css' )
-    {
-        Jifty->log->debug("Returning 304 for cached css");
-        Jifty->handler->apache->header_out( Status => 304 );
-        return;
-    }
-    Jifty->handler->apache->content_type("text/css");
-    Jifty->handler->apache->header_out( 'Expires' => HTTP::Date::time2str( time + 31536000 ) );
-    # XXX TODO: If we start caching the squished CSS in a file somewhere, we
-    # can have the static handler serve it, which would take care of gzipping
-    # for us.
-    use Compress::Zlib qw();
-    if ( Jifty::View::Static::Handler->client_accepts_gzipped_content ) {
-        Jifty->log->debug("Sending gzipped squished CSS");
-        Jifty->handler->apache->header_out( "Content-Encoding" => "gzip" );
-        binmode STDOUT;
-        print Compress::Zlib::memGzip( Jifty->web->cached_css );
-    }
-    else {
-        Jifty->log->debug("Sending squished CSS");
-        print Jifty->web->cached_css;
-    }
-    return;
-template '__jifty/empty' => sub {
-    '';
-template '__jifty/error/_elements/error_text' => sub {
-    my ($error) = get(qw(error));
-    h1 { 'Sorry, something went awry' };
-    p  {
-        _(
-"For one reason or another, you got to a web page that caused a bit of an error. And then you got to our 'basic' error handler. Which means we haven't written a pretty, easy to understand error message for you just yet. The message we do have is :"
-        );
-    };
-    blockquote {
-        b { $error };
-    };
-    p {
-        _(
-"There's a pretty good chance that error message doesn't mean anything to you, but we'd rather you have a little bit of information about what went wrong than nothing. We've logged this error, so we know we need to write something friendly explaining just what happened and how to fix it."
-        );
-    };
-    p {
-        hyperlink(
-            url   => "/",
-            label => _('Head on back home')
-        );
-        _("for now, and try to forget that we let you down.");
-    };
-=begin TODO
-                    sub __jifty::error::_elements::wrapper {
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
-                          < html xmlns =
-                          "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml : lang =
-                          "en" > <head> < title > Mason error </title> <
-                          link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href =
-                          "/__jifty/error/error.css" media =
-                          "all" / > </head> body {
-                            with( id => "headers" ), div {
-                                <h1 class="title"> Mason error;
-                              }
-                          }
-                          with( id => "content" ), div {
-                            <a name="content"> < /a>
-% if (Jifty->config->framework('AdminMode') ) {
-with ( class => "warning admin_mode"), div {
-Alert: Jifty <% Jifty->web->tangent( label => 'administration mode' , url => '/
-                              __jifty / admin /')%> is enabled.
-% }
-  <% Jifty->web->render_messages %>
-  <% $m->content |n%>
-  }
-</ body > </html> < %doc >
-                              This exists as a fallback wrapper,
-                              in
-                              case
-                              the mason error in question is caused by the Jifty
-                              app's wrapper,
-                              for instance
-                              .
-                              </%doc>;
-                          }
-                          sub __jifty::error::autohandler {
-                            <%flags> inherit => undef </%flags> % $m->call_next;
-                        }
-                        sub __jifty::error::dhandler {
-                            Jifty->log->error(
-                                "Unhandled web error " . $m->dhandler_arg );
-                            <&|/_elements/wrapper, title =>
-                              'Something went awry' & >
-                              <& _elements/error_text, error =>
-                              $m->dhandler_arg & >
-                              </&>;
-                        }
-                        sub __jifty::error::error . css {
-                            Jifty->handler->apache->content_type("text/css");
-                            h1 {
-                              color: red;
-                              }
-                          }
-                                sub __jifty::halo {
-                                    for my $id ( 0 .. $#stack ) {
-                                        my @kids;
-                                        my $looking = $id;
-                                        while ( ++$looking <= $#stack
-                                            and $stack[$looking]->{depth} >=
-                                            $stack[$id]->{depth} + 1 )
-                                        {
-                                            push @kids,
-                                              {
-                                                id   => $stack[$looking]{id},
-                                                path => $stack[$looking]{path},
-                                                render_time =>
-                                                  $stack[$looking]{render_time}
-                                              }
-                                              if $stack[$looking]->{depth} ==
-                                              $stack[$id]->{depth} + 1;
-                                        }
-                                        $stack[$id]{kids} = \@kids;
-                                        if ( $stack[$id]{depth} > 1 ) {
-                                            $looking = $id;
-                                            $looking--
-                                              while ( $stack[$looking]{depth} >=
-                                                $stack[$id]{depth} );
-                                            $stack[$id]{parent} = {
-                                                id   => $stack[$looking]{id},
-                                                path => $stack[$looking]{path},
-                                                render_time =>
-                                                  $stack[$looking]{render_time}
-                                            };
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                    my $depth = 0;
-                                    div {
-                                        outs_raw(
-'<a href="#" id="render_info" onclick="Element.toggle('
-                                              render_info_tree
-                                              '); return false">Page info</a>'
-                                        );
-                                    };
-                                    with(
-                                        style => "display: none",
-                                        id    => "render_info_tree"
-                                      ),
-                                      div {
-                                        foreach my $item (@stack) {
-                                            if ( $item->{depth} > $depth ) {
-                                                ul {
-                                                  }
-                                                  elsif (
-                                                    $item->{depth} < $depth )
-                                                {
-                                                    for ( $item->{depth} +
-                                                        1 .. $depth )
-                                                    {
-                                                    }
-                                                }
-                                            }
-                                        }
-                                      }
-                                      elsif ( $item->{depth} == $depth ) {
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                li {
-                                    outs_raw(
-                                        '<a href="#" class="halo_comp_info" 
-    onmouseover="halo_over(' < %$item->{id} % > ')"
-    onmouseout="halo_out(' < %$item->{id} % > ')"
-    onclick="halo_toggle(' < %$item->{id} % > '); return false;">
-<% $item->{' name '} %> - <% $item->{' render_time '} %></a>'
-                                    );
-                                    unless ( $item->{subcomponent} ) {
-                                        Jifty->web->tangent(
-                                            url =>
-                                              "/__jifty/edit/mason_component/"
-                                              . $item->{'path'},
-                                            label => _('Edit')
-                                        );
-                                    }
-                                    $depth = $item->{'depth'};
-                                  }
-                                  for ( 1 .. $depth ) {
-                                }
-                              }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    %foreach my $item (@stack){
-                        <& .frame, frame => $item & > %} my (@stack) =
-                          get(qw(stack));
-                          <%def .frame> with(
-                            class => "halo_actions" id =
-                              "halo-<% $id %), div {-menu" style =
-"display: none; top: 5px; left: 500px; min-width: 200px; width: 300px; z-index: 5;"
-                              > <h1 id="halo-<% $id %> -title ">
-  <span style=" float: right;
-                              "><a href=" #" onclick="halo_toggle('<% $id %>'); return false">[ X ]</a>}
-                              < %$frame->{name} % >
-                          } < div style =
-                          "position: absolute; bottom: 3px; right: 3px" > with(
-                            class => "resize" title = "Resize" id =
-                              "halo-<% $id %), span {-resize" >
-                          };
-                      }
-                      with( class => "body" ),
-                    div {
-                        with( class => "path" ),
-                          div { <% $frame-> {path} %> } with( class => "time" ),
-                          div {
-                            Rendered in < %$frame->{'render_time'} % > s}
-% if ($frame->{parent}
-                          ) {
-                            with( class => "section" ),
-                            div { Parent } with( class => "body" ),
-                            div {
-                                ul {
-                                    li {
-<a href="#" class="halo_comp_info" onmouseover="halo_over('<% $frame->
-                                          {parent}{ id }
-                                        %> ')"
-                                       onmouseout="halo_out(' <
-                                          %$frame->{parent}{id} % > ')"
-                                       onclick="halo_toggle(' <
-                                          %$frame->{parent}{id} % >
-                                          '); return false;">
-<% $frame->{parent}{' path '} %> - <% $frame->{parent}{' render_time '} %></a>}
-% }
-% if (@{$frame->{kids}}) {
-with ( class => "section"), div {Children}
-with ( class => "body"), div {ul { 
-% for my $item (@{$frame->{kids}}) {
-li {<a href="#" class="halo_comp_info" onmouseover="halo_over(' <
-                                          %$item->{id} % > ')"
-                                       onmouseout="halo_out(' < %$item->{id} % >
-                                          ')"
-                                       onclick="halo_toggle(' < %$item->{id} % >
-                                          '); return false;">
-<% $item->{' path '} %> - <% $item->{' render_time '} %></a>}
-% }
-% }
-% if (@args) {
-with ( class => "section"), div {Variables}
-with ( class => "body"), div {<ul class="fixed">
-% for my $e (@args) {
-li {<b><% $e->[0] %></b>:
-% if ($e->[1]) {
-% my $expanded = Jifty->web->serial;
-<a href="#" onclick="Element.toggle(' < %$expanded % >
-                                          '); return false"><% $e->[1] %></a>
-with ( id => "<% $expanded %), div {" style="display: none; position: absolute; left: 200px; border: 1px solid black; background: #ccc; padding: 1em; padding-top: 0; width: 300px; height: 500px; overflow: auto"><pre><% Jifty::YAML::Dump($e->[2]) %></pre>}
-% } elsif (defined $e->[2]) {
-<% $e->[2] %>
-% } else {
-% }
-% }
-% }
-% if (@stmts) {
-with ( class => "section"), div {<%_(' SQL Statements ')%>}
-with ( class => "body" style="height: 300px; overflow: auto"), div {ul { 
-% for (@stmts) {
-li {
-with ( class => "fixed"), span {<% $_->[1] %>}<br />
-% if (@{$_->[2]}) {
-<b>Bindings:</b> <tt><% join(',
-', map {defined $_ ? ($_ =~ /[^[:space:][:graph:]]/ ? "*BLOB*" : $_ ) : "undef"} @{$_->[2]}) %></tt><br />
-% }
-<i><% _(' % 1 seconds ', $_->[3]) %></i>
- }
- }
-with ( class => "section"), div {
- unless ($frame->{subcomponent}) {
-Jifty->web->tangent( url =>"/__jifty/edit/mason_component/".$frame->{' path
-                                          '}, label => _('Edit'));
- } else {
-outs_raw(' &nbsp;
-                                        ');
-% }
-my ( $frame) = get(qw(frame));
-my $id = $frame->{id};
-my @args;
-while (my ($key, $value) = splice(@{$frame->{args}},0,2)) {
-    push @args, [$key, ref($value), $value];
- at args = sort {$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} @args;
-my $prev = '';
-my @stmts = @{$frame->{' sql_statements '}};
-sub __jifty::js::dhandler {
-    if ( $m->dhandler_arg !~ /^[0-9a-f]{32}\.js$/ ) {
-        # This doesn' t look like a real request for squished JS,
-                                          # so redirect to a more failsafe place
-                                          Jifty->web->redirect(
-                                            "/static/js/" . $m->dhandler_arg );
-                                      }
-                                      Jifty->web->generate_javascript;
-                                    use HTTP::Date ();
-                                    if (
-                                        Jifty->handler->cgi->http(
-                                            'If-Modified-Since')
-                                        and $m->dhandler_arg eq
-                                        Jifty->web->cached_javascript_digest
-                                        . '.js'
-                                      )
-                                    {
-                                        Jifty->log->debug(
-"Returning 304 for cached javascript"
-                                        );
-                                        Jifty->handler->apache->header_out( Status => 304 );
-                                        return;
-                                    }
-                                    Jifty->handler->apache->content_type(
-                                        "application/x-javascript");
-                                    Jifty->handler->apache->header_out(
-                                        'Expires' => HTTP::Date::time2str(
-                                            time + 31536000
-                                        )
-                                    );
-       # XXX TODO: If we start caching the squished JS in a file somewhere, we
-       # can have the static handler serve it, which would take care of gzipping
-       # for us.
-                                    use Compress::Zlib qw();
-                                    if ( Jifty::View::Static::Handler
-                                        ->client_accepts_gzipped_content )
-                                    {
-                                        Jifty->log->debug(
-                                            "Sending gzipped squished JS");
-                                        Jifty->handler->apache->header_out(
-                                            "Content-Encoding" => "gzip" );
-                                        binmode STDOUT;
-                                        print Compress::Zlib::memGzip(
-                                            Jifty->web->cached_javascript );
-                                    }
-                                    else {
-                                        Jifty->log->debug(
-                                            "Sending squished JS");
-                                        print Jifty->web->cached_javascript;
-                                    }
-                                    return;
-                                  }
-                                  sub __jifty::online_docs::autohandler {
-# If "AdminMode" is turned off in Jifty's config file, don't let people at the admin UI.
-                                    unless (
-                                        Jifty->config->framework('AdminMode') )
-                                    {
-                                        $m->redirect(
-                                            '/__jifty/error/permission_denied');
-                                        $m->abort();
-                                    }
-                                    $m->call_next();
-                                }
-                                sub __jifty::online_docs::content . html {
-                                    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <
-                                      !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC
-                                      "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
-                                      > <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" >
-                                      < head > <title> <
-                                      %_ ( $n || 'Jifty' ) % >
-                                      -<%_('Jifty Pod Online')%> < /title>
-<style type="text/css"><!--
-a { text-decoration: none }
-a:hover { text-decoration: underline }
-a:focus { background: #99ff99; border: 1px black dotted }
-body {
-my $jifty_dirname = Jifty::Util->jifty_root." / ";
-my $app_dirname = Jifty::Util->app_root." / lib /";
-$n =~ s/ :: /\//g;
-                                    my @options = (
-                                        $app_dirname . $n . ".pod",
-                                        $app_dirname . $n . ".pm",
-                                        $jifty_dirname . $n . ".pod",
-                                        $jifty_dirname . $n . ".pm"
-                                    );
-                                    my $total_body;
-                                    foreach my $file (@options) {
-                                        next unless -r "$file";
-                                        local $/;
-                                        my $fh;
-                                        open $fh, "$file" or next;
-                                        $total_body = <$fh>;
-                                        close $fh;
-                                    }
-                                    my $body;
-                                    my $schema;
-                                    my $converter = Pod::Simple::HTML->new();
-                                    if ( $n !~ /^Jifty\// ) {
-                                        if ( $total_body =~
-/package (.*?)::Schema;(.*)package/ismx
-                                          )
-                                        {
-                                            $schema = $2;
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                    $converter->output_string( \$body );
-                                    $converter->parse_string_document(
-                                        $total_body);
-                                    $body =~ s{.*?<body [^>]+>}{}s;
-                                    $body =~ s{</body>\s*</html>\s*$}{};
-                                    $n    =~ s{/}{::}g;
-                                    $m->print("h1 {$n}");
-                                    $m->print( "h2 {"
-                                          . _('Schema')
-                                          . "}<pre>$schema</pre>" )
-                                      if ($schema);
-                                    $body =~
-s{<a href="http://search\.cpan\.org/perldoc\?(Jifty%3A%3A[^"]+)"([^>]*)>}{<a href="content.html?n=$1"$2>}g;
-                                    $body =~ s!}\n\tul { !ul { !;
-                                    $body =~ s!}!}}!;
-                                    $body =~ s!p { }!!;
-                                    $body =~ s!<a name=!<a id=!g;
-                                    $body =~ s!__index__!index!g;
-                                    $m->print($body);
-                                    </%PERL> < /body></ html >
-                                      <%ARGS> $Target => '&method=content' $n =>
-                                      'Jifty' < /%ARGS>
-require File::Basename;
-require File::Find;
-require File::Temp;
-require File::Spec;
-require Pod::Simple::HTML;
-sub __jifty::online_docs::index.html { 
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-/ / W3C // DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset // EN "
-" http: // www . w3 . org / TR / html4 /">
-<html lang="en">
-<title><%_( $n || 'Jifty') %> - <%_('Online Documentation')%></ title >
-                                      <style type="text/css"> <
-                                      !--a     { text-decoration: none }
-                                      a: hover { text-decoration: underline }
-                                      a: focus {
-                                        background: #99ff99; border: 1px black dotted }
-                                        --> </style> < /head>
-<FRAMESET COLS="*, 250">
-    <FRAME src="./content . html " name=" podcontent ">
-    <FRAME src=" . /toc.html" name="podtoc">
-        <a style="display: none" href="#toc"><%_('Table of Contents')%></ a >
-                                          <& content.html, Target => '' & > h1 {
-                                            <a id="toc"> <
-                                              %_ ('Table of Contents') % > </a>;
-                                          }
-                                          <& toc.html, Target => '' & >
-                                          </NOFRAMES> < /FRAMESET>
-my (
-$n => undef
-) = get(qw());
-sub __jifty::online_docs::toc.html { 
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-/ / W3C // DTD XHTML 1.1 // EN "
-" http: // www . w3 . org / TR / xhtml11 / DTD / xhtml11 . dtd ">
-<html xmlns=" http: // www . w3 . org / 1999 / xhtml " xml:lang=" en " >
-<title><% _($n || 'Jifty') %> - <%_('Jifty Developer Documentation Online')%></title>
-<style type=" text / css "><!--
-a { text-decoration: none }
-a:hover { text-decoration: underline }
-a:focus { background: #99ff99; border: 1px black dotted }
-<body style=" background:    #dddddd">
-                                          <%PERL> my @found;
-                                        File::Find::find(
-                                            {
-                                                untaint => 1,
-                                                wanted  => sub {
-                                                    return
-                                                      unless
-                                                      /(\w+)\.(?:pm|pod)$/;
-                                                    my $name =
-                                                      $File::Find::name;
-                                                    $name =~ s/.*lib\b.//;
-                                                    $name =~ s!\.(?:pm|pod)!!i;
-                                                    $name =~ s!\W!::!g;
-                                                    push @found, $name;
-                                                },
-                                                follow => ( $^O ne 'MSWin32' )
-                                            },
-                                            Jifty::Util->app_root . "/lib",
-                                        );
-                                        File::Find::find(
-                                            {
-                                                untaint => 1,
-                                                wanted  => sub {
-                                                    return
-                                                      unless $File::Find::name
-                                                      =~ /^(?:.*?)(Jifty.*?\.(?:pm|pod))$/;
-                                                    my $name = $1;
-                                                    $name =~ s/.*lib\b.//;
-                                                    $name =~ s!\.(?:pm|pod)!!i;
-                                                    $name =~ s!\/!::!g;
-                                                    push @found, $name;
-                                                },
-                                                follow => ( $^O ne 'MSWin32' )
-                                            },
-                                            Jifty::Util->jifty_root,
-                                        );
-                                        my $indent = 0;
-                                        my $prev   = '';
-                                        foreach my $file ( sort @found ) {
-                                            my ( $parent, $name ) = ( $1, $2 )
-                                              if $file =~ /(?:(.*)::)?(\w+)$/;
-                                            $parent = '' unless defined $parent;
-                                            if ( $file =~ /^$prev\::(.*)/ ) {
-                                                my $foo = $1;
-                                                while ( $foo =~ s/(\w+)::// ) {
-                                                    $indent++;
-                                                    $m->print(
-                                                        (
-                                                            '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'
-                                                              x $indent
-                                                        )
-                                                    );
-                                                    $m->print("$1<br />");
-                                                }
-                                                $indent++;
-                                            }
-                                            elsif ( $prev !~ /^$parent\::/ ) {
-                                                $indent = 0
-                                                  unless length $parent;
-                                                while ( $parent =~ s/(\w+)// ) {
-                                                    next if $prev =~ s/\b$1:://;
-                                                    while ( $prev =~ s/::// ) {
-                                                        $indent--;
-                                                    }
-                                                    $m->print(
-                                                        (
-                                                            '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'
-                                                              x $indent
-                                                        )
-                                                    );
-                                                    $m->print("$1<br />");
-                                                    $indent++;
-                                                }
-                                            }
-                                            elsif (
-                                                $prev =~ /^$parent\::(.*::)/ )
-                                            {
-                                                my $foo = $1;
-                                                while ( $foo =~ s/::// ) {
-                                                    $indent--;
-                                                }
-                                            }
-                                            $m->print(
-                                                (
-                                                    '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' x
-                                                      $indent
-                                                )
-                                                . '<a target="podcontent" href="content.html?n='
-                                                  . $file . '">'
-                                                  . $name
-                                                  . '</a><br />' . "\n"
-                                            );
-                                            $prev = $file;
-                                        }
-                                        </%PERL> < /body></ html >
-                                          <%INIT> require File::Basename;
-                                        require File::Find;
-                                        require File::Temp;
-                                        require File::Spec;
-                                        require Pod::Simple::HTML;
-                                        </%INIT> < %ARGS >
-                                          $n => '' $method => '' $Target =>
-                                          '&method=content' < /%ARGS>
-                  }
-                  sub autohandler {    # XXX TODO MOVE INTO DISPATCHER
-                    Jifty->handler->apache->content_type('text/html; charset=utf-8');
-                    if ( $m->base_comp->path =~ m|/_elements/| ) {
-                        # Requesting an internal component by hand -- naughty
-                        $m->redirect("/errors/requested_private_component");
-                    }
-                    $m->comp('/_elements/nav');
-                }
-                sub dhandler {
-                    Jifty->log->error(
-                        "404: user tried to get to " . $m->dhandler_arg );
-                    Jifty->handler->apache->header_out( Status => '404' );
-                    with( title => _("Something's not quite right") ),
-                      wrapper => {
-                        with( id => "overview" ),
-                        div {
-                            p {
-                                join(
-                                    " ",
-                                    _(
-"You got to a page that we don't think exists."
-                                    ),
-                                    _(
-"Anyway, the software has logged this error."
-                                    ),
-                                    _("Sorry about this . ")
-                                );
-                              }
-                              p {
-                                hyperlink(
-                                    url   => " / ",
-                                    label => _('Go back home...')
-                                );
-                              }
-                          }
-                      };
-                }
-=end TODO
-template '__jifty/validator.xml' => sub {
-    Jifty->handler->apache->content_type('text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
-    my $output = "";
-    use XML::Writer;
-    my $writer = XML::Writer->new( OUTPUT => \$output );
-    $writer->xmlDecl( "UTF-8", "yes" );
-    $writer->startTag("validation");
-    for my $ra ( Jifty->web->request->actions ) {
-        my $action = Jifty->web->new_action_from_request($ra);
-        $writer->startTag( "validationaction", id => $action->register_name );
-        for my $arg ( $action->argument_names ) {
-            if ( not $action->arguments->{$arg}->{ajax_validates} ) {
-                $writer->emptyTag( "ignored",
-                    id => $action->error_div_id($arg) );
-                $writer->emptyTag( "ignored",
-                    id => $action->warning_div_id($arg) );
-            }
-            elsif ( not defined $action->argument_value($arg)
-                    or length $action->argument_value($arg) == 0 )
-            {
-                $writer->emptyTag( "blank", id => $action->error_div_id($arg) );
-                $writer->emptyTag( "blank",
-                    id => $action->warning_div_id($arg) );
-            }
-            elsif ( $action->result->field_error($arg) ) {
-                $writer->dataElement(
-                    "error",
-                    $action->result->field_error($arg),
-                    id => $action->error_div_id($arg)
-                );
-                $writer->emptyTag( "ok", id => $action->warning_div_id($arg) );
-            }
-            elsif ( $action->result->field_warning($arg) ) {
-                $writer->dataElement(
-                    "warning",
-                    $action->result->field_warning($arg),
-                    id => $action->warning_div_id($arg)
-                );
-                $writer->emptyTag( "ok", id => $action->error_div_id($arg) );
-            }
-            else {
-                $writer->emptyTag( "ok", id => $action->error_div_id($arg) );
-                $writer->emptyTag( "ok", id => $action->warning_div_id($arg) );
-            }
-        }
-        $writer->endTag();
-        $writer->startTag( "canonicalizeaction", id => $action->register_name );
-        for my $arg ( $action->argument_names ) {
-            no warnings 'uninitialized';
-            if ( $ra->arguments->{$arg} eq $action->argument_value($arg) ) {
-                # if the value doesn' t change, it can be ignored .
-# canonicalizers can change other parts of the action, so we want to send all changes
-                $writer->emptyTag( "ignored",
-                    name => $action->form_field_name($arg) );
-            }
-            elsif ( not defined $action->argument_value($arg)
-                or length $action->argument_value($arg) == 0 )
-            {
-                $writer->emptyTag( "blank",
-                    name => $action->form_field_name($arg) );
-            }
-            else {
-                if ( $action->result->field_canonicalization_note($arg) ) {
-                    $writer->dataElement(
-                        "canonicalization_note",
-                        $action->result->field_canonicalization_note($arg),
-                        id => $action->canonicalization_note_div_id($arg)
-                    );
-                }
-                $writer->dataElement(
-                    "update",
-                    $action->argument_value($arg),
-                    name => $action->form_field_name($arg)
-                );
-            }
-        }
-        $writer->endTag();
-    }
-    $writer->endTag();
-    Jifty->web->out($output);
-template '__jifty/webservices/xml' => sub {
-    my $output = "";
-    my $writer = XML::Writer->new(
-        OUTPUT => \$output,
-        UNSAFE => 1
-    );
-    $writer->xmlDecl( "UTF-8", "yes" );
-    $writer->startTag("response");
-    for my $f ( Jifty->web->request->fragments ) {
-        # Set up the region stack
-        local Jifty->web->{'region_stack'} = [];
-        my @regions;
-        do {
-            push @regions, $f;
-        } while ( $f = $f->parent );
-        for $f ( reverse @regions ) {
-            my $new =
-              Jifty->web->get_region( join '-',
-                grep { $_ } Jifty->web->qualified_region, $f->name );
-            # Arguments can be complex mapped hash values.  Get their
-            # real values by mapping.
-            my %defaults = %{ $f->arguments || {} };
-            for ( keys %defaults ) {
-                my ( $key, $value ) = Jifty::Request::Mapper->map(
-                    destination => $_,
-                    source      => $defaults{$_}
-                );
-                delete $defaults{$_};
-                $defaults{$key} = $value;
-            }
-            $new ||= Jifty::Web::PageRegion->new(
-                name           => $f->name,
-                path           => $f->path,
-                region_wrapper => $f->wrapper,
-                parent         => Jifty->web->current_region,
-                defaults       => \%defaults,
-            );
-            $new->enter;
-        }
-        # Stuff the rendered region into the XML
-        $writer->startTag( "fragment",
-            id => Jifty->web->current_region->qualified_name );
-        my %args = %{ Jifty->web->current_region->arguments };
-        $writer->dataElement( "argument", $args{$_}, name => $_ )
-          for sort keys %args;
-        $writer->cdataElement( "content",
-            Jifty->web->current_region->as_string );
-        $writer->endTag();
-        Jifty->web->current_region->exit while Jifty->web->current_region;
-    }
-    my %results = Jifty->web->response->results;
-    for ( keys %results ) {
-        $writer->startTag(
-            "result",
-            moniker => $_,
-            class   => $results{$_}->action_class
-        );
-        $writer->dataElement( "success", $results{$_}->success );
-        $writer->dataElement( "message", $results{$_}->message )
-          if $results{$_}->message;
-        $writer->dataElement( "error", $results{$_}->error )
-          if $results{$_}->error;
-        my %warnings = $results{$_}->field_warnings;
-        my %errors   = $results{$_}->field_errors;
-        my %fields;
-        $fields{$_}++ for keys(%warnings), keys(%errors);
-        for ( sort keys %fields ) {
-            next unless $warnings{$_} or $errors{$_};
-            $writer->startTag( "field", name => $_ );
-            $writer->dataElement( "warning", $warnings{$_} )
-              if $warnings{$_};
-            $writer->dataElement( "error", $errors{$_} )
-              if $errors{$_};
-            $writer->endTag();
-        }
-        # XXX TODO: Hack because we don't have a good way to serialize
-        # Jifty::DBI::Record's yet, which are technically circular data
-        # structures at some level (current_user of a
-        # current_user->user_object is itself)
-        use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
-        my $content = $results{$_}->content;
-        sub stripkids {
-            my $top = shift;
-            if ( not ref $top ) { return $top }
-            elsif (
-                blessed($top)
-                and (  $top->isa("Jifty::DBI::Record")
-                    or $top->isa("Jifty::DBI::Collection") )
-              )
-            {
-                return undef;
-            }
-            elsif ( ref $top eq 'HASH' ) {
-                foreach my $item ( keys %$top ) {
-                    $top->{$item} = stripkids( $top->{$item} );
-                }
-            }
-            elsif ( ref $top eq 'ARRAY' ) {
-                for ( 0 .. $#{$top} ) {
-                    $top->[$_] = stripkids( $top->[$_] );
-                }
-            }
-            return $top;
-        }
-        $content = stripkids($content);
-        use XML::Simple;
-        $writer->raw(
-            XML::Simple::XMLout(
-                $content,
-                NoAttr   => 1,
-                RootName => "content",
-                NoIndent => 1
-            )
-        ) if keys %{$content};
-        $writer->endTag();
-    }
-    $writer->endTag();
-    Jifty->handler->apache->content_type('text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
-    # For some reason, this line is needed, lest we end up outputting ISO-8859-1 text
-    utf8::decode($output);
-    outs_raw($output);
-template '__jifty/webservices/yaml' => sub {
-    Jifty->handler->apache->content_type("text/x-yaml");
-    outs( Jifty::YAML::Dump( { Jifty->web->response->results } ) );
-template '_elements/keybindings' => sub {
-    div { id is "keybindings" };
-template 'index.html' => page {
-    { title is _('Welcome to your new Jifty application') }
-    img {
-        src is "/static/images/pony.jpg", alt is _(
-            'You said you wanted a pony. (Source %1)',
-            'http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/cph.3c13461'
-        );
-    };
-template '__jifty/error/mason_internal_error' => page {
-    { title is _('Something went awry') }
-    my $cont = Jifty->web->request->continuation;
-    #my $wrapper = "/__jifty/error/_elements/wrapper" if $cont and $cont->request->path eq "/__jifty/error/mason_internal_error";
-    # If we're not in devel, bail
-    if ( not Jifty->config->framework("DevelMode") or not $cont ) {
-            show("_elements/error_text");
-    #    return;
-    }
-    my $e   = $cont->response->error;
-    if (ref($e)) {
-    my $msg = $e->message;
-    $msg =~ s/, <\S+> (line|chunk) \d+\././;
-    my $info  = $e->analyze_error;
-    my $file  = $info->{file};
-    my @lines = @{ $info->{lines} };
-    my @stack = @{ $info->{frames} };
-        outs('Error in ');
-        _error_line( $file, "@lines" );
-        pre {$msg};
-        Jifty->web->return( label => _("Try again") );
-    h2 { 'Call stack' };
-    ul {
-        for my $frame (@stack) {
-            next if $frame->filename =~ m{/HTML/Mason/};
-            li {
-                _error_line( $frame->filename, $frame->line );
-                }
-        }
-    }; 
-    } else {
-    pre {$e};
-    }
-sub _error_line {
-    my ( $file, $line ) = (@_);
-    if ( -w $file ) {
-        my $path = $file;
-        for ( map { $_->[1] } @{ Jifty->handler->mason->interp->comp_root } )
-        {
-            last if $path =~ s/ ^ \Q $_\E //;
-        }
-        if ( $path ne $file ) {
-            outs('template ');
-            tangent(
-                url        => "/__jifty/edit/mason_component$path",
-                label      => "$path line " . $line,
-                parameters => { line => $line }
-            );
-        } else {
-            tangent(
-                url        => "/__jifty/edit/library$path",
-                label      => "$path line " . $line,
-                parameters => { line => $line }
-            );
-        }
-    } else {
-        outs( '%1 line %2', $file, $line );
-    }

Added: jifty/branches/template-declare/lib/Jifty/View/Declare/ErrorHandlers.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ jifty/branches/template-declare/lib/Jifty/View/Declare/ErrorHandlers.pm	Sat Feb 17 21:06:30 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+package Jifty::View::Declare::CoreTemplates;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars qw( $r );
+use Jifty::View::Declare -base;
+use Scalar::Defer;
+template '__jifty/error/_elements/error_text' => sub {
+    my ($error) = get(qw(error));
+    h1 { 'Sorry, something went awry' };
+    p  {
+        _(
+"For one reason or another, you got to a web page that caused a bit of an error. And then you got to our 'basic' error handler. Which means we haven't written a pretty, easy to understand error message for you just yet. The message we do have is :"
+        );
+    };
+    blockquote {
+        b { $error };
+    };
+    p {
+        _(
+"There's a pretty good chance that error message doesn't mean anything to you, but we'd rather you have a little bit of information about what went wrong than nothing. We've logged this error, so we know we need to write something friendly explaining just what happened and how to fix it."
+        );
+    };
+    p {
+        hyperlink(
+            url   => "/",
+            label => _('Head on back home')
+        );
+        _("for now, and try to forget that we let you down.");
+    };
+=head2 wrapper
+                              This exists as a fallback wrapper,
+                              in case the error in question is caused by the Jifty app's wrapper, for instance.
+sub wrapper (&) {
+    my $code = shift;
+    html {
+        head {
+            title { _('Internal error') }
+            link { attr { rel => 'stylesheet', type => 'text/css', href => "/__jifty/error/error.css", media => 'all'}};
+        }
+        body {
+            div { attr { id => 'headers'};
+            h1 { 'Internal Error' };
+        div { attr { id => 'content'};
+                          a { attr { name => 'content'}};
+ if (Jifty->config->framework('AdminMode') ) {
+     div { attr { class => "warning admin_mode" };
+        outs('Alert:' .  tangent( label => 'administration mode' , url => '/__jifty/admin/') .'is enabled.' ) }
+ }
+ Jifty->web->render_messages;
+    $code->();
+  }
+                          }
+                      }}
+                  }
+template '__jifty/error/dhandler' => sub {
+    my $error = get('error');
+                            Jifty->log->error( "Unhandled web error " . $error );
+                            wrapper {
+                              title is 'Something went awry';
+                              show('_elements/error_text', error => $error );
+                        };
+                    };
+template '__jifty/error/error.css' => sub {
+                            Jifty->handler->apache->content_type("text/css");
+                            h1 {
+                              outs('color: red');
+                              }
+                          };
+template '/errors/404' => sub {
+    my $file = get('path');
+    Jifty->log->error( "404: user tried to get to " . $file );
+    Jifty->handler->apache->header_out( Status => '404' );
+    with( title => _("Something's not quite right") ), wrapper => {
+        with( id => "overview" ),
+        div {
+            p {
+                join( " ",
+                    _( "You got to a page that we don't think exists." ),
+                    _( "Anyway, the software has logged this error." ),
+                    _("Sorry about this.") );
+                }
+                p {
+                hyperlink(
+                    url   => "/",
+                    label => _('Go back home...')
+                );
+                }
+            }
+    };
+template '__jifty/error/mason_internal_error' => page {
+    { title is _('Something went awry') }
+    my $cont = Jifty->web->request->continuation;
+    #my $wrapper = "/__jifty/error/_elements/wrapper" if $cont and $cont->request->path eq "/__jifty/error/mason_internal_error";
+    # If we're not in devel, bail
+    if ( not Jifty->config->framework("DevelMode") or not $cont ) {
+            show("_elements/error_text");
+    #    return;
+    }
+    my $e   = $cont->response->error;
+    if (ref($e)) {
+    my $msg = $e->message;
+    $msg =~ s/, <\S+> (line|chunk) \d+\././;
+    my $info  = $e->analyze_error;
+    my $file  = $info->{file};
+    my @lines = @{ $info->{lines} };
+    my @stack = @{ $info->{frames} };
+        outs('Error in ');
+        _error_line( $file, "@lines" );
+        pre {$msg};
+        Jifty->web->return( label => _("Try again") );
+    h2 { 'Call stack' };
+    ul {
+        for my $frame (@stack) {
+            next if $frame->filename =~ m{/HTML/Mason/};
+            li {
+                _error_line( $frame->filename, $frame->line );
+                }
+        }
+    }; 
+    } else {
+    pre {$e};
+    }
+sub _error_line {
+    my ( $file, $line ) = (@_);
+    if ( -w $file ) {
+        my $path = $file;
+        for ( map { $_->[1] } @{ Jifty->handler->mason->interp->comp_root } )
+        {
+            last if $path =~ s/ ^ \Q $_\E //;
+        }
+        if ( $path ne $file ) {
+            outs('template ');
+            tangent(
+                url        => "/__jifty/edit/mason_component$path",
+                label      => "$path line " . $line,
+                parameters => { line => $line }
+            );
+        } else {
+            tangent(
+                url        => "/__jifty/edit/library$path",
+                label      => "$path line " . $line,
+                parameters => { line => $line }
+            );
+        }
+    } else {
+        outs( '%1 line %2', $file, $line );
+    }

Added: jifty/branches/template-declare/lib/Jifty/View/Declare/SkeletonApp.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ jifty/branches/template-declare/lib/Jifty/View/Declare/SkeletonApp.pm	Sat Feb 17 21:06:30 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+package Jifty::View::Declare::CoreTemplates;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars qw( $r );
+use Jifty::View::Declare -base;
+use Scalar::Defer;
+template '_elements/nav' => sub {
+    my $top = Jifty->web->navigation;
+    $top->child( Home => url => "/", sort_order => 1, label => _('Home') );
+    if ( Jifty->config->framework('AdminMode') ) {
+        $top->child(
+            Administration =>
+              url          => "/__jifty/admin/",
+            label      => _('Administration'),
+            sort_order => 998
+        );
+        $top->child(
+            OnlineDocs =>
+              url      => "/__jifty/online_docs/",
+            label      => _('Online docs'),
+            sort_order => 999
+        );
+    }
+    return ();
+template '_elements/sidebar' => sub {
+    with( id => "salutation" ), div {
+        if (    Jifty->web->current_user->id
+            and Jifty->web->current_user->user_object )
+        {
+            my $u      = Jifty->web->current_user->user_object;
+            my $method = $u->_brief_description;
+            _( 'Hiya, %1.', $u->$method() );
+        }
+        else {
+            _("You're not currently signed in.");
+        }
+    };
+    with( id => "navigation" ), div {
+        Jifty->web->navigation->render_as_menu;
+    };
+template '__jifty/empty' => sub {
+        '';
+template '_elements/header' => sub {
+    my ($title) = get_current_attr(qw(title));
+    Jifty->handler->apache->content_type('text/html; charset=utf-8');
+    head {
+        with(
+            'http-equiv' => "content-type",
+            content      => "text/html; charset=utf-8"
+          ),
+          meta {};
+        with( name => 'robots', content => 'all' ), meta {};
+        title { _($title) };
+        Jifty->web->include_css;
+        Jifty->web->include_javascript;
+      }
+template '_elements/keybindings' => sub {
+    div { id is "keybindings" };
+template 'index.html' => page {
+    { title is _('Welcome to your new Jifty application') }
+    img {
+        src is "/static/images/pony.jpg", alt is _(
+            'You said you wanted a pony. (Source %1)',
+            'http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/cph.3c13461'
+        );
+    };

Added: jifty/branches/template-declare/lib/Jifty/View/Declare/WebServices.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ jifty/branches/template-declare/lib/Jifty/View/Declare/WebServices.pm	Sat Feb 17 21:06:30 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+package Jifty::View::Declare::CoreTemplates;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars qw( $r );
+use Jifty::View::Declare -base;
+use Scalar::Defer;
+template '__jifty/subs' => sub {
+    my ($forever) = get(qw(forever)) || 1;
+    Jifty->handler->apache->content_type("text/html; charset=utf-8");
+    Jifty->handler->apache->headers_out->{'Pragma'}        = 'no-cache';
+    Jifty->handler->apache->headers_out->{'Cache-control'} = 'no-cache';
+    Jifty->handler->apache->send_http_header;
+    my $writer = XML::Writer->new;
+    $writer->xmlDecl( "UTF-8", "yes" );
+    my $begin = <<'END';
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xhtml1-20020801/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+    chomp $begin;
+    if ($forever) {
+        my $whitespace = " " x ( 1024 - length $begin );
+        $begin =~ s/<body>$/$whitespace/s;
+    }
+    Jifty->web->out($begin);
+    $writer->startTag("body");
+    while (1) {
+        my $sent = write_subs_once($writer);
+        flush STDOUT;
+        last if ( $sent && !$forever );
+        sleep 1;
+    }
+    $writer->endTag();
+    return;
+sub write_subs_once {
+    my $writer = shift;
+    Jifty::Subs::Render->render(
+        Jifty->web->session->id,
+        sub {
+            my ( $mode, $name, $content ) = @_;
+            $writer->startTag( "pushfrag", mode => $mode );
+            $writer->startTag( "fragment", id   => $name );
+            $writer->dataElement( "content", $content );
+            $writer->endTag();
+            $writer->endTag();
+        }
+    );
+template '__jifty/autocomplete.xml' => sub {
+    # Note: the only point to this file is to set the content_type; the actual
+    # behavior is accomplished inside the framework.  It will go away once we
+    # have infrastructure for serving things of various content-types.
+    Jifty->handler->apache->content_type('text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
+    my $ref = Jifty->web->response->result('autocomplete')->content;
+    my @options = @{ $ref->{'completions'} || [] };
+    body {
+        ul {
+            foreach my $item (@options) {
+                if ( !ref($item) ) {
+                    li { $item };
+                }
+                elsif ( exists $item->{label} ) {
+                    li {
+                        with( class => "informal" ), span { $item->{label} };
+                        with( class => "hidden_value" ),
+                          span { $item->{value} };
+                    };
+                }
+                else {
+                    li { $item->{value} };
+                }
+            }
+        };
+    };
+template '__jifty/validator.xml' => sub {
+    Jifty->handler->apache->content_type('text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
+    my $output = "";
+    use XML::Writer;
+    my $writer = XML::Writer->new( OUTPUT => \$output );
+    $writer->xmlDecl( "UTF-8", "yes" );
+    $writer->startTag("validation");
+    for my $ra ( Jifty->web->request->actions ) {
+        my $action = Jifty->web->new_action_from_request($ra);
+        $writer->startTag( "validationaction", id => $action->register_name );
+        for my $arg ( $action->argument_names ) {
+            if ( not $action->arguments->{$arg}->{ajax_validates} ) {
+                $writer->emptyTag( "ignored",
+                    id => $action->error_div_id($arg) );
+                $writer->emptyTag( "ignored",
+                    id => $action->warning_div_id($arg) );
+            }
+            elsif ( not defined $action->argument_value($arg)
+                    or length $action->argument_value($arg) == 0 )
+            {
+                $writer->emptyTag( "blank", id => $action->error_div_id($arg) );
+                $writer->emptyTag( "blank",
+                    id => $action->warning_div_id($arg) );
+            }
+            elsif ( $action->result->field_error($arg) ) {
+                $writer->dataElement(
+                    "error",
+                    $action->result->field_error($arg),
+                    id => $action->error_div_id($arg)
+                );
+                $writer->emptyTag( "ok", id => $action->warning_div_id($arg) );
+            }
+            elsif ( $action->result->field_warning($arg) ) {
+                $writer->dataElement(
+                    "warning",
+                    $action->result->field_warning($arg),
+                    id => $action->warning_div_id($arg)
+                );
+                $writer->emptyTag( "ok", id => $action->error_div_id($arg) );
+            }
+            else {
+                $writer->emptyTag( "ok", id => $action->error_div_id($arg) );
+                $writer->emptyTag( "ok", id => $action->warning_div_id($arg) );
+            }
+        }
+        $writer->endTag();
+        $writer->startTag( "canonicalizeaction", id => $action->register_name );
+        for my $arg ( $action->argument_names ) {
+            no warnings 'uninitialized';
+            if ( $ra->arguments->{$arg} eq $action->argument_value($arg) ) {
+                # if the value doesn' t change, it can be ignored .
+# canonicalizers can change other parts of the action, so we want to send all changes
+                $writer->emptyTag( "ignored",
+                    name => $action->form_field_name($arg) );
+            }
+            elsif ( not defined $action->argument_value($arg)
+                or length $action->argument_value($arg) == 0 )
+            {
+                $writer->emptyTag( "blank",
+                    name => $action->form_field_name($arg) );
+            }
+            else {
+                if ( $action->result->field_canonicalization_note($arg) ) {
+                    $writer->dataElement(
+                        "canonicalization_note",
+                        $action->result->field_canonicalization_note($arg),
+                        id => $action->canonicalization_note_div_id($arg)
+                    );
+                }
+                $writer->dataElement(
+                    "update",
+                    $action->argument_value($arg),
+                    name => $action->form_field_name($arg)
+                );
+            }
+        }
+        $writer->endTag();
+    }
+    $writer->endTag();
+    Jifty->web->out($output);
+template '__jifty/webservices/xml' => sub {
+    my $output = "";
+    my $writer = XML::Writer->new(
+        OUTPUT => \$output,
+        UNSAFE => 1
+    );
+    $writer->xmlDecl( "UTF-8", "yes" );
+    $writer->startTag("response");
+    for my $f ( Jifty->web->request->fragments ) {
+        # Set up the region stack
+        local Jifty->web->{'region_stack'} = [];
+        my @regions;
+        do {
+            push @regions, $f;
+        } while ( $f = $f->parent );
+        for $f ( reverse @regions ) {
+            my $new =
+              Jifty->web->get_region( join '-',
+                grep { $_ } Jifty->web->qualified_region, $f->name );
+            # Arguments can be complex mapped hash values.  Get their
+            # real values by mapping.
+            my %defaults = %{ $f->arguments || {} };
+            for ( keys %defaults ) {
+                my ( $key, $value ) = Jifty::Request::Mapper->map(
+                    destination => $_,
+                    source      => $defaults{$_}
+                );
+                delete $defaults{$_};
+                $defaults{$key} = $value;
+            }
+            $new ||= Jifty::Web::PageRegion->new(
+                name           => $f->name,
+                path           => $f->path,
+                region_wrapper => $f->wrapper,
+                parent         => Jifty->web->current_region,
+                defaults       => \%defaults,
+            );
+            $new->enter;
+        }
+        # Stuff the rendered region into the XML
+        $writer->startTag( "fragment",
+            id => Jifty->web->current_region->qualified_name );
+        my %args = %{ Jifty->web->current_region->arguments };
+        $writer->dataElement( "argument", $args{$_}, name => $_ )
+          for sort keys %args;
+        $writer->cdataElement( "content",
+            Jifty->web->current_region->as_string );
+        $writer->endTag();
+        Jifty->web->current_region->exit while Jifty->web->current_region;
+    }
+    my %results = Jifty->web->response->results;
+    for ( keys %results ) {
+        $writer->startTag(
+            "result",
+            moniker => $_,
+            class   => $results{$_}->action_class
+        );
+        $writer->dataElement( "success", $results{$_}->success );
+        $writer->dataElement( "message", $results{$_}->message )
+          if $results{$_}->message;
+        $writer->dataElement( "error", $results{$_}->error )
+          if $results{$_}->error;
+        my %warnings = $results{$_}->field_warnings;
+        my %errors   = $results{$_}->field_errors;
+        my %fields;
+        $fields{$_}++ for keys(%warnings), keys(%errors);
+        for ( sort keys %fields ) {
+            next unless $warnings{$_} or $errors{$_};
+            $writer->startTag( "field", name => $_ );
+            $writer->dataElement( "warning", $warnings{$_} )
+              if $warnings{$_};
+            $writer->dataElement( "error", $errors{$_} )
+              if $errors{$_};
+            $writer->endTag();
+        }
+        # XXX TODO: Hack because we don't have a good way to serialize
+        # Jifty::DBI::Record's yet, which are technically circular data
+        # structures at some level (current_user of a
+        # current_user->user_object is itself)
+        use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
+        my $content = $results{$_}->content;
+        sub stripkids {
+            my $top = shift;
+            if ( not ref $top ) { return $top }
+            elsif (
+                blessed($top)
+                and (  $top->isa("Jifty::DBI::Record")
+                    or $top->isa("Jifty::DBI::Collection") )
+              )
+            {
+                return undef;
+            }
+            elsif ( ref $top eq 'HASH' ) {
+                foreach my $item ( keys %$top ) {
+                    $top->{$item} = stripkids( $top->{$item} );
+                }
+            }
+            elsif ( ref $top eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+                for ( 0 .. $#{$top} ) {
+                    $top->[$_] = stripkids( $top->[$_] );
+                }
+            }
+            return $top;
+        }
+        $content = stripkids($content);
+        use XML::Simple;
+        $writer->raw(
+            XML::Simple::XMLout(
+                $content,
+                NoAttr   => 1,
+                RootName => "content",
+                NoIndent => 1
+            )
+        ) if keys %{$content};
+        $writer->endTag();
+    }
+    $writer->endTag();
+    Jifty->handler->apache->content_type('text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
+    # For some reason, this line is needed, lest we end up outputting ISO-8859-1 text
+    utf8::decode($output);
+    outs_raw($output);
+template '__jifty/webservices/yaml' => sub {
+    Jifty->handler->apache->content_type("text/x-yaml");
+    outs( Jifty::YAML::Dump( { Jifty->web->response->results } ) );

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