[jifty-devel] Jifty newb needs help/tutorials/examples

Yves Agostini agostini at univ-metz.fr
Fri May 27 04:17:20 EDT 2011

Le jeudi 26 mai 2011 à 14:25 -0400, William F. Dudley Jr. a écrit :
> Hi,
> This is my second round with Jifty; I constructed a tiny Jifty "hobby"
> app two years ago, now am trying it on a more ambitious project -- for
> my employer.
> I've read (and re-read . . .) "the" tutorial for the MyWebBlog app;
> watched the two year old video by "Audrey Tang"/Jesse Vincent on
> creation of Doxory (found a pdf of the slides, too, but couldn't
> find a copy of the example code anywhere); read a tutorial by some
> French guy (in English, thank heaven) on creation of a meeting
> scheduler app; and still I'm lost.
> Most of the docs seem to assume that the user is already a black-belt
> in MVC, Template::Declare, Mason, and other stuff that I'm decidedly
> NOT even close to expert in.  I've been programming for a long time
> (maybe that's the problem) and am only now getting comfortable with
> MVC, having played with Rails a bit also.  I've written lots of
> Perl, but never used Mason nor Template::Declare, so they are
> mysterious to me.
> Are there any example apps/tutorials where the interconnections
> between the various pieces are explained more thoroughly?  Or
> an example of building a CRUD app?  I don't just want to turn
> AdminMode to 1 and call it a day, I'd rather customize the
> user experience so it makes more sense for our application.
> Our application is nothing very tricky; just customers
> subscribing to things and getting charged money for them.
> Sorry for the totally general nature of this query, but it's
> a struggle to come up with reasonable questions in this case.
> I've scanned the archives for this list back 2.5 years, looking
> for things that might help a newb.
> Thanks in advance,


I don't have time to make a new screencast but you can find here some
working jifty applications :


this are short tools where core functionality was wrote in less than one
week and used or updated for years

A very simple application to create and manage links to etherpad.
All html code is in Viem.pm (with Template::Declare there's we don't
really need HTML::Mason)

Admin rights are managed via CurrentUser and user_role in User model

You can access to Crud views of any tables (see in top of View.pm) but I
don't put link in main menu.

an internal ebay like ;-) Personal can put ads for one month.

Same think for User rights: user_role in model and managed with

There's a Crud view for Users override with ViewUserCrud

There's some Action : SendNotify to send emails
NewsAd to override default CreateAd and manage picture files

you can also find how to test mails notification in t/

a more complexe application to publish legal offers

there's a dia diagramme in doc/

You will find mixin users : internal ldap with Jasig CAS, external with
mail/passord or OpenID

4 levels of users rights : admin user publisher reader

Users CRUD

Files management

RSS feeds

Tests values in Test.pm


a doodle like

You can find script like examples/add_date.pl
use of scrubber, switch lang, comment plugin,
or how to test action : /t/00-action-AddWeek.t


an old application to give guests access

You can find Let access for external users

There's mixin users from internal ldap or external by email/password

or views are dispatched in three files View.pm View/Admin.pm

a more complexe application to manage fibers in a regional map

there's a lot of javascript to play with OpenStreeMap (I will make a
Jifty Plugin ...)
watch GeolLoc widget


share spreadsheets

ViewSpreadsheets::SimpleColor is now a jifty plugin

play with session and time

Peoplemap / Softmap

data mining for people or software
mostly in french ;-) 

there's a lot of bad practices (like lot of code in views) and ugly code
but you can find contextual menus, superuser switch menu, Graph,
OpenStreetMap widgets ...
complexe jifty::dbi requests ...

To checkout code
svn co https://svn.univ-metz.fr/pub/utils/XXXXXX
svn co https://svn.univ-metz.fr/pub/RDV

Hope this can help you

Best regards


AGOSTINI Yves             CRI - Université Paul Verlaine - Metz
agostini at univ-metz.fr     http://www.crium.univ-metz.fr
tel: 03 87 31 52 63       fax: 03 87 31 53 33     PGP: 842CC261

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