[jifty-devel] First pass at an object-model writeup

Ruslan Zakirov ruslan.zakirov at gmail.com
Fri Dec 30 17:20:42 EST 2005

On 12/30/05, Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com> wrote:
> This is in the codebase as Jifty::Manual::ObjectModel.pod.
> Does it help clarify things?
> =head1 NAME
> Jifty::Manual::ObjectModel -- An overview of the Jifty object model
> =head1 OVERVIEW
> Jifty applications are generally built in a similar way. There's no reason
> you I<need> to use the model we've built, but we find it a reasonably
> ok way to do things.
> This document should serve as a roadmap to the Jifty class library, as
> well as an introduction to the way Jifty applications are put together.
> We start with the classes in I<your> application and move on to the bits
> of Jifty itself.
> If you create a brand new application, let's call it C<MyWeblog>, and
> create one model class called C<MyWeblog::Post>, you'll end up with the
> following files and directories:
>     MyWeblog/
>         etc/
>             config.yml
>         lib/
>             MyWeblog/
>                 Model/
>                     Post.pm
>                 Action/
>         bin/
>             jifty
>         web/
>             templates/
>             static/
>         t/
>             #some test files.
> At least that's the scaffolding Jifty creates for you. Behind the scenes,
> Jifty is actually doing a lot more. Rather than create a bunch of little
> "stub" classes and libraries for you, Jifty generates them on the fly. It's
> always possible to I<actually> create these libraries when you need to customize
> the default behavior, but we work really hard to make sure you don't need to.
> Right now, Jifty is autocreating libraries, static web pages and web templates.
> We're not 100% satisfied with how Jifty autocreates web templates and static pages
> and are working to redesign that.
> The library you I<see> when creating a Jifty app is:
> =over
> =item MyWeblog::Model::Post
> C<MyWeblog::Model::Post> describes the schema and business logic of your
> post class. It uses two namespaces, C<MyWeblog::Model::Post::Schema>
> that has actual column definitions and C<MyWeblog::Model::Post> that
> contains the (optional) business logic, access control and so on.
> =back
> That's it. But if you look carefully at C<MyWeblog::Model::Post>, you'll see
> the line:
>     use base qw/MyWeblog::Record/;
> How can that possibly work? There is no C<MyWeblog::Record> class in your
> application. And Jifty, while it tries to be a comprehensive framework,
> draws the line somewhat short of including application-specific base
> classes for every application you might possibly contrive.
> The answer lies in L<Jifty::ClassLoader>, a utility module Jifty uses
> to create the boring stuff for you when you need it.
> It'd certainly be possible for Jifty to create every class you might need
> as a file on disk when you first create your application (and indeed
> we may decide to do so if enough people yell at us), but when the stub
> classes we'd provide are just little shims that inherit from or call
> to the Jifty core, it doesn't make much sense to create them before you
> need them.  You could build a Jifty application without these shims by
> having your model classes inherit directly from Jifty::Record, but then
> you'll run into trouble the second you want to add application-specific
> code and have to go back and retrofit each and every one of your classes
> to use your new base class. It's a little thing, but one that can save
> you a bunch of pain and suffering later on.
> C<MyWeblog::Record> is the first autogenerated class you'll run into but
> probably not the last. A full list of everything Jifty provides for your
> new application follows:
> You get one each of the these:
> =over
> =item MyWeblog::Record
> This class is, as discussed above, a thin wrapper around
> L<Jifty::Record>. You might choose to create your own MyWeblog::Record
> if you want to build in custom access control by overriding
> L<Jifty::Record/current_user_can> or want to implement methods that
> every model class should have access to.
> =item MyWeblog::Collection
> We haven't talked much about collections yet, but as their name implies,
> collections are bundles of L<Jifty::Record> objects that match some set
> of criteria. It's relatively uncommon that you'll want to override this,
> but if you want the rope, it's here.
sounds like "rope and soap"

> =item MyWeblog::Notification
> jC<MyWeblog::Notification> is an app-specific of the
> C<Jifty::Notification> email driver. You might want to override this

> class if you want to set an application-specific header or footer for
> all outgoing email.
> =item MyWeblog::CurrentUser
> Most every web application that grows past a personal hack eventually
> starts to provide personalization, require access control or otherwise
> want to know who's currently in the driver's seat. The "current user"
> for an application is a first-class object in Jifty. To get user-based
> authentication working out of the box, you'll have to override the
> default C<MyWeblog::CurrentUser>. (Out of the box, it treats everyone
> as the same user.) We're working to generalize the authentication system
> we've used in a few Jifty apps so far to the point where it feels "right"
> as a core Jifty component, but we're not quite there just yet.
> Most of what you'll need to override in C<MyWeblog::CurrentUser> is the
> C<_init> function, which needs to load up an application-specific model
> class that represents one of your users into its C<user_object> accessor.
> To make all this work, you'll also need an application-specific C<Login>

> L<Jifty::Action> subclass and likely also a passel of user-management
> code.
All before this point was clear and understandable, but this sounds
like magic. May be just leave something like "this is subject of
another tutorial".

> (And yes, this is the topic of a future generalization and a future
> tutorial. At that point, a bunch of this documentation will be extracted
> to L<Jifty::CurrentUser>.)
> =back
> But wait! There's more!  You also get one each of these for your default
> model class:
> =over
> =item MyWeblog::Model::PostCollection
=item MyWeblog::Model::Post::Collection ?
> It's no fun having a weblog that only shows you one post at a time,
> is it?  Jifty provides you with default L<Jifty::Collection> classes
> for every L<Jifty::Record> subclass in your model.  You get all the
> standard C<limit>, C<order_by>, C<columns>, paging support and so-on out
> of the box, but sometimes when you're going to be getting collections
> matching certain criteria often, it makes sense to actually create your
> own subclass and start dropping methods in.
> =item MyWeblog::Action::CreatePost, MyWeblog::Action::UpdatePost, MyWeblog::Action::DeletePost
> One of Jifty's strengths is that it makes it easy to build applications by
> tying application-specific controller functions to your model classes and
> intuiting what parameters they take by having a look inside the models.
> For each C<::Record> class in your model, Jifty creates three
For each C<*::Record>...? I think you talk about Jifty::Record
subclasses. Or you can use "for each class that represent record in
your model"...

> actions, C<Create>,C<Update> and C<Delete>.  They're named,
> perhaps a bit unadventureously, C<MyWeblog::Action::CreatePost>,
> C<MyWeblog::Action::UpdatePost>, C<MyWeblog::Action::DeletePost>
> and inherit directly from C<Jifty::Action::Record::Create>,
> C<Jifty::Action::Record::Update> and C<Jifty::Action::Record::Delete>,
should be L<Jifty::*>?

> respectively. Sometimes, it makes sense to override these default actions
> when you want to change the behaviour of one or more of the actions.
> One common use is to add or remove AJAX validation or autocompletion
> for an argument or to change an argument's default value for webforms.
> This, isn't, however the place to start inserting business logic or
> access control. That belongs in your model class, which these wrappers
> will hand things off to. By putting logic in your actions, you make your
> model classes less useful and run into trouble when you want to start
> scripting your model outside a web environment.
> =back
> There's no reason you need to stick with these default "implementations" if they're not meeting your needs. Just create your own classes and Jifty will use your real classes instead.
Nice and simple overview.

> =cut
> 1;
> --
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Best regards, Ruslan.

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