[Jifty-commit] r6041 - wifty/trunk/lib/Wifty

Jifty commits jifty-commit at lists.jifty.org
Mon Dec 1 00:11:13 EST 2008

Author: ruz
Date: Mon Dec  1 00:11:12 2008
New Revision: 6041


* delete all implemented TD templates from View-not-ready-yet

Modified: wifty/trunk/lib/Wifty/View-not-ready-yet.pm
--- wifty/trunk/lib/Wifty/View-not-ready-yet.pm	(original)
+++ wifty/trunk/lib/Wifty/View-not-ready-yet.pm	Mon Dec  1 00:11:12 2008
@@ -19,337 +19,6 @@
 use Template::Declare::Tags;
 use Jifty::View::Declare::Templates;
-private template page_list => sub {
-    # actually creates: sub _jifty_ui_template_page_list
-    #
-    my ( $pages, $id ) = get(qw(pages id));
-    dl {{ id is $id, class is "pagelist" }
-        while ( my $page = $pages->next ) {
-            dt {
-                hyperlink(
-                    label => $page->name,
-                    url   => '/view/' . $page->name
-                );
-            };
-            dd {
-                outs( $page->updated );
-                outs(
-                    ' - ('
-                        . (
-                          $page->updated_by->id
-                        ? $page->updated_by->name
-                        : _('Anonymous')
-                        )
-                        . ')'
-                );
-            };
-        }
-    };
-private template nav => sub {
-    my $top  = Jifty->web->navigation;
-    $top->child( Home => url => "/", sort_order => 1 );
-    $top->child(
-        Recent  =>
-            url => "/recent",
-        label      => "Recent Changes",
-        sort_order => 2
-    );
-    $top->child(
-        Search  =>
-            url => "/search",
-        label      => "Search",
-        sort_order => 3
-    );
-    if ( Jifty->config->framework('AdminMode') ) {
-        $top->child(
-            Administration =>
-                url        => "/__jifty/admin/",
-            sort_order => 998
-        );
-        $top->child(
-            OnlineDocs =>
-                url    => "/__jifty/online_docs/",
-            label      => 'Online docs',
-            sort_order => 999
-        );
-    }
-private template page_nav => sub {
-    my %args = (page => 'HomePage', rev => undef, @_);
-    my $page = $args{'page'};
-    my $rev = $args{'rev'};
-    $page ||= 'HomePage';
-    my $subpath = $page . ( $rev ? "/$rev" : '' );
-    my $top     = Jifty->web->page_navigation;
-    my $page_obj = Wifty::Model::Page->new();
-    $page_obj->load_by_cols( name => $page );
-    $top->child( View => url => '/view/' . $subpath );
-    $top->child( Edit => url => '/edit/' . $subpath );
-    $top->child( History => url => '/history/' . $page );
-    $top->child( Latest => url => '/view/' . $page ) if ($rev);
-private template wrapper => sub {
-    # it's actually called with args.
-    my ($args, $coderef ) = (@_);
-    my $title    = $args->{title};
-    my $id       = $args->{id};
-    my $wikiname = Jifty->config->app('WikiName') || "Wifty";
-    show('nav');
-    show( 'header', title => $args->{'title'}, wikiname => $wikiname );
-    body {{ id is $args->{id} }
-        if ( Jifty->config->framework('AdminMode') ) {
-            div {{ class is 'warning admin_mode' }
-                _('Alert') . ":"
-                    . tangent(
-                    label => _('Administration mode is enabled'),
-                    url   => '/__jifty/admin/'
-                    )
-                    . ".";
-                }
-        }
-        div {{ id is 'logo' }
-            Jifty->config->app('Logo')
-                ? '<img src="' . Jifty->config->app('Logo') . '" alt="" />'
-                : '';
-        };
-        div {{ id is 'header' }
-            div {{ id is 'wikiheader' }
-                h1 {{ id is 'wikiname' }
-                    hyperlink( url => "/", label => _($wikiname) );
-                };
-                outs(Jifty->web->navigation->render_as_menu);
-                show('search_box');
-            };
-            div {{ id is 'pageheader' }
-                h1 {{ id is 'pagename' }
-                    _( $args->{title} );
-                };
-                outs (Jifty->web->page_navigation->render_as_menu);
-                }
-        };
-        show('salutation');
-        hr {{ class is 'clear' }};
-        div {{ id is 'content' }
-            Jifty->web->render_messages;
-            my $buf = '';
-            {
-            local $Template::Declare::Tags::BUFFER ='';
-            $coderef->();
-            $buf = $Template::Declare::Tags::BUFFER;
-            #warn "My buffer is $buf";
-            }
-            outs($buf);
-            hr {{ class is 'clear' }};
-            }
-        }
-private template search_box => sub {
-    my $action = new_action( class => 'SearchPage' );
-    $action->sticky_on_success(1);
-    span {
-        form {
-            form_next_page( url => '/search' );
-                render_param( $action, 'contains', label => 'Search:' );
-            }
-        };
-private template salutation => sub {
-    div {{ id is 'salutation' }
-        if (    Jifty->web->current_user->id and Jifty->web->current_user->user_object ) {
-            outs('Hiya, ');
-            span {{ class is 'user' } Jifty->web->current_user->user_object->name };
-            outs('(' . hyperlink( label => q{Logout}, url => '/logout' ) .')');
-        } else {
-            outs("You're not currently signed in.") .  tangent( label => q{Sign in}, url => '/login' ) . "."; }
-        }
-private template diff => sub {
-    my %args = ( page => undef, from => undef, to => undef, @_);
-    my $to   =  $args{'to'} ||$args{page}->revisions->last;
-    my $from = $args{'from'}|| $to->previous || Wifty::Model::Revision->new;
-    my $before = $to->previous;
-    my $after  = $to->next;
-    use Text::Diff ();
-    my $diff = Text::Diff::diff(
-        \( $from->content ),
-        \( $to->content ),
-        { STYLE => 'Text::Diff::HTML' }
-    );
-    div {{ class is 'revision_nav' }
-        if ($before) {
-            span {{ class is "prev" }
-                hyperlink(
-                    url   => "/view/" . $args{page}->name . "/" . $before->id,
-                    label => "Previous revision"
-                );
-            };
-        }
-        outs('|') if ( $before and $after );
-        if ($after) {
-            span {{ class is "next" }
-                hyperlink(
-                    url   => "/view/" . $args{'page'}->name . "/" . $after->id,
-                    label => "Next revision"
-                );
-            };
-        }
-    };
-    pre {{ class is 'diff' } $diff };
-    hr {}
-template create => sub {
-    my ( $action, $page ) = get(qw(action page));
-    show(
-        'wrapper',
-        {title => 'New page: ' . $page, id => 'create' }, 
-        sub {p{
-            form {
-                div {{ class is 'form_wrapper' }
-                    form_next_page( url => '/view/' . $page );
-                        render_param($action => 'name', render_as     => 'hidden', default_value => $page);
-                    div {{ class is 'inline' }
-                        render_param($action => 'content', rows => 30 );
-                    };
-                    div {{ class is 'inline' }
-                        form_submit( label => 'Create' );
-                    };
-                };
-            };
-            show('markup');
-        };
-        }
-    );
-template edit => sub {
-    my ( $page, $revision, $viewer ) = get(qw(page revision viewer));
-    my $can_edit = $page->current_user_can('update');
-    show( 'page_nav', page => $page->name, rev => $revision->id );
-    show(
-        'wrapper',
-        {   title => 'Edit: ' . $page->name . ( $revision->id ? " as of " . $revision->created : '' ), id => "update" },
-        sub {
-            form {
-                div {{ class is 'form_wrapper' }
-                    div {{ class is 'inline' }
-                        unless ($can_edit) { p {{ style is "width: 70%" } q{You don't have permission to edit this page. Perhaps} . tangent( url   => '/login', label => 'logging in') . q{would help. In the mean time, though, you're welcome to view and} . q{copy the source of this page.}; } }
-                        form_next_page( url => '/view/' . $page->name );
-                        render_param($viewer => 'content');
-                        if ($can_edit) { div {{ class is 'line' } form_submit( label => 'Save' ); } }
-                    };
-                };
-                show('markup');
-                };
-            }
-    );
-template history => sub {
-    my ( $page, $revisions ) = get(qw(page revisions));
-    # XXX TODO, this isn't right
-    show( 'page_nav', page => $page->name );
-    show(
-        'wrapper',
-        { title => $revisions->count . " revisions of " . $page->name },
-        sub {
-            dl {{ id is 'history' }
-                while ( my $rev = $revisions->next ) {
-                    dt {
-                        hyperlink(
-                            label => $rev->created,
-                            url   => '/view/' . $page->name . '/' . $rev->id
-                        );
-                        if ( $rev->created_by->id ) {
-                            '(' . $rev->created_by->name . ')';
-                        } else {
-                            '(Anonymous)';
-                        }
-                    };
-                    dd { length( $rev->content ) . ' bytes' };
-                }
-                };
-        }
-    );
-template no_such_page => sub {
-    my (  $page ) = get(qw(page));
-    show(
-        'wrapper',
-        { title => 'No such page: ' . $page },
-        sub {
-            p {
-                q{Unfortunately, you've tried to reach a page that doesn't exist }
-                    . q{yet, and you don't have permissions to create pages. If you }
-                    . tangent( url => '/login', label => 'login' )
-                    . q{, you'll be able to create new pages of your own.}
-                }
-        }
-    );
-template pages => sub {
-    my ($pages ) = get(qw(pages));
-    show(
-        'wrapper',
-        { title => 'These are the pages on your wiki!' },
-        sub {
-            show( 'page_list', pages => $pages, id => 'allpages' );
-        }
-    );
-template recent => sub {
-    my ( $pages ) = get(qw(pages));
-    show(
-        'wrapper',
-        { title => 'Updated this week' },
-        sub {
-            show( 'page_list', pages => $pages, id => 'recentupdates' );
-        }
-    );
 template recent_atom => sub {
     my ( $pages) = get(qw(pages));
     use XML::Atom::SimpleFeed;
@@ -375,46 +44,6 @@
-template search => sub {
-    my ( $pages, $search ) = get(qw(pages search));
-    show( 'wrapper',
-        { title => 'Search' },
-        sub {
-            form {
-                div {{ id is "searchbox", class is 'inline' }
-                    render_param($search => 'contains', label => 'Find pages containing:' );
-                    form_submit( label => 'Search', submit => $search);
-                    };
-            };
-            if ($pages) {
-                show( 'page_list' => pages => $pages, id => 'searchresults' );
-            }
-        }
-    );
-template view => sub {
-    my ( $page, $revision, $viewer ) = get(qw(page revision viewer));
-    show( 'page_nav', page => $page->name, rev => $revision->id );
-    show(
-        'wrapper',
-        {   title => $page->name
-                . ( $revision->id ? " as of " . $revision->created : '' )
-        },
-        sub {
-            if ( $revision->id ) {
-                show( 'diff', page => $page, to => $revision );
-            }
-            render_param($viewer => 'content', label => '', render_mode => 'read');
-            #$viewer->form_value( 'content', label => "" );
-        }
-    );
 private template header => sub {
     my %args = ( title=> undef, wikiname => undef, @_);
@@ -437,98 +66,4 @@
-template markup => sub {
-    return undef unless ( Jifty->config->app('Formatter') eq 'Markdown' );
-    div {{ id is 'syntax' }
-        div {
-            a {{
-                href    is "#",
-                onclick is "Element.toggle('syntax_content');return(false);"
-            } b {'Wiki Syntax Help'}; }
-        };
-        div {{ id is 'syntax_content' }
-            h3   {'Phrase Emphasis'};
-            code {
-                b { '**bold**'; };
-                i {'_italic_'};
-            };
-            h3 {'Links'};
-            code {'Show me a [wiki page](WikiPage)'};
-            code {'An [example](http://url.com/ "Title")'};
-            h3 {'Headers'};
-            pre {
-                code {
-                    join( "\n",
-                        '# Header 1',
-                        '## Header 2',
-                        '###### Header 6' );
-                    }
-            };
-            h3 {'Lists'};
-            p {'Ordered, without paragraphs:'};
-            pre {
-                code {
-                    join( "\n", '1.  Foo', '2.  Bar' );
-                    }
-            };
-            p {' Unordered, with paragraphs:'};
-            pre {
-                code {
-                    join( "\n",
-                        '*   A list item.',
-                        'With multiple paragraphs.',
-                        '*   Bar' );
-                };
-                h3 {'Code Spans'};
-                p {
-                    code {'`&lt;code&gt;`'}
-                        . 'spans are delimited by backticks.';
-                };
-                h3 {'Preformatted Code Blocks'};
-                p {'Indent every line of a code block by at least 4 spaces.'};
-                pre {
-                    code {
-                        'This is a normal paragraph.' . "\n\n" . "\n"
-                            . '    This is a preformatted' . "\n"
-                            . '    code block.';
-                    };
-                };
-                h3 {'Horizontal Rules'};
-                p {
-                    'Three or more dashes: ' . code {'---'};
-                };
-                address {
-                    '(Thanks to <a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/dingus">Daring Fireball</a>)';
-                    }
-                }
-        };
-        script {
-            qq{
-   // javascript flyout by Eric Wilhelm
-   // TODO use images for minimize/maximize button
-   // Is there a way to add a callback?
-   Element.toggle('syntax_content');
-   };
-        };
-    };

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