[Jifty-commit] r5710 - in B-Utils: . lib/B t

Jifty commits jifty-commit at lists.jifty.org
Wed Aug 13 09:06:23 EDT 2008

Author: clkao
Date: Wed Aug 13 09:06:22 2008
New Revision: 5710


import B::Utils 0.05

Added: B-Utils/Changes
--- (empty file)
+++ B-Utils/Changes	Wed Aug 13 09:06:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Revision history for Perl extension B::Utils.
+0.05 Thu Nov 25 22:23:00 CST 2004
+    - My birthday
+    - Fixed infinite loop in ->parent
+0.04 Thu May  2 21:56:03 BST 2002
+    - Various fixes to walkoptrees stuff.
+0.03  Wed Dec 12 22:20:07 GMT 2001
+    - Fix up bad showstopper bug in ->kids()
+    - Some patches from Schwern.
+0.02  Wed Aug 15 07:03:21 2001
+    - Fix up some horribly glaring bugs
+    - Add opgrep, walk*, croak and carp
+0.01  Mon Aug  6 22:07:26 2001
+	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
+		-XA -n B::Utils

Added: B-Utils/MANIFEST
--- (empty file)
+++ B-Utils/MANIFEST	Wed Aug 13 09:06:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+MANIFEST			This list of files
+META.yml                                 Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)

Added: B-Utils/META.yml
--- (empty file)
+++ B-Utils/META.yml	Wed Aug 13 09:06:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec.html
+#XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!!  It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
+name:         B-Utils
+version:      0.05
+version_from: lib/B/Utils.pm
+installdirs:  site
+distribution_type: module
+generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.21_02

Added: B-Utils/Makefile.PL
--- (empty file)
+++ B-Utils/Makefile.PL	Wed Aug 13 09:06:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
+# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+    'NAME'		=> 'B::Utils',
+    'VERSION_FROM'	=> 'lib/B/Utils.pm', # finds $VERSION
+    'PREREQ_PM'		=> {}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
+    ($] >= 5.005 ?    ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
+      (ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/B/Utils.pm', # retrieve abstract from module
+       AUTHOR     => 'Joshua b. Jore <jjore at cpan.org>') : ()),

Added: B-Utils/README
--- (empty file)
+++ B-Utils/README	Wed Aug 13 09:06:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+B/Utils version 0.05
+    B::Utils - Helper functions for op tree manipulation
+What's new in this version:
+    * Took over from Simon Cozens
+    * Added null()
+    * Fixed ->parent
+    walkoptree_simple($op, \&callback, [$data])
+       The "B" module provides various functions to walk the op tree, but
+       they're all rather difficult to use, requiring you to inject methods
+       into the "B::OP" class. This is a very simple op tree walker with
+       more expected semantics.
+       All the "walk" functions set "B::Utils::file" and "B::Utils::line" to
+       the appropriate values of file and line number in the program being
+       examined.
+    walkoptree_filtered($op, \&filter, \&callback, [$data])
+       This is much the same as "walkoptree_simple", but will only call the
+       callback if the "filter" returns true. The "filter" is passed the op
+       in question as a parameter; the "opgrep" function is fantastic for
+       building your own filters.
+    walkallops_simple(\&callback, [$data])
+       This combines "walkoptree_simple" with "all_roots" and "anon_subs" to
+       examine every op in the program. "$B::Utils::sub" is set to the
+       subroutine name if you're in a subroutine, "__MAIN__" if you're in
+       the main program and "__ANON__" if you're in an anonymous subroutine.
+    walkallops_filtered(\&filter, \&callback, [$data])
+       Same as above, but filtered.
+    carp(@args)
+    croak(@args)
+       Warn and die, respectively, from the perspective of the position of
+       the op in the program. Sounds complicated, but it's exactly the kind
+       of error reporting you expect when you're grovelling through an op
+       tree.
+    opgrep(\%conditions, @ops)
+       Returns the ops which meet the given conditions. The conditions
+       should be specified like this:
+           @barewords = opgrep(
+                               { name => "const", private => OPpCONST_BARE },
+                               @ops
+                              );
+       You can specify alternation by giving an arrayref of values:
+           @svs = opgrep ( { name => ["padsv", "gvsv"] }, @ops)
+       And you can specify inversion by making the first element of the
+       arrayref a "!". (Hint: if you want to say "anything", say "not
+       nothing": "["!"]")
+       You may also specify the conditions to be matched in nearby ops.
+           walkallops_filtered(
+               sub { opgrep( {name => "exec", 
+                              next => {
+                                        name    => "nextstate",
+                                        sibling => { name => [qw(! exit warn die)] }
+                                      }
+                             }, @_)},
+               sub { 
+                     carp("Statement unlikely to be reached"); 
+                     carp("\t(Maybe you meant system() when you said exec()?)\n");
+               }
+           )
+       Get that?
+       Here are the things that can be tested:
+               name targ type seq flags private pmflags pmpermflags
+               first other last sibling next pmreplroot pmreplstart pmnext
+To install this module type the following:
+   perl Makefile.PL
+   make
+   make test
+   make install
+This module does *not* require anything that's not in core.
+AL & GPL. You know the score.
+Copyright (C) 2004 Joshua b. Jore

Added: B-Utils/lib/B/Utils.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ B-Utils/lib/B/Utils.pm	Wed Aug 13 09:06:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+package B::Utils;
+use 5.006;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars '$DEBUG';
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(all_starts all_roots anon_subs
+                    walkoptree_simple walkoptree_filtered
+                    walkallops_simple walkallops_filtered
+                    carp croak
+                    opgrep
+                   );
+sub import {
+  my $pack = shift;
+  my @exports = @_;
+  my $caller = caller;
+  my %EOK = map {$_ => 1} @EXPORT_OK;
+  for (@exports) {
+    unless ($EOK{$_}) {
+      require Carp;
+      Carp::croak(qq{"$_" is not exported by the $pack module});
+    }
+    no strict 'refs';
+    *{"$caller\::$_"} = \&{"$pack\::$_"};
+  }
+our $VERSION = '0.05';
+use B qw(main_start main_root walksymtable class OPf_KIDS);
+my (%starts, %roots, @anon_subs);
+our @bad_stashes = qw(B Carp Exporter warnings Cwd Config CORE blib strict DynaLoader vars XSLoader AutoLoader base);
+sub null {
+    my $op = shift;
+    class( $op ) eq 'NULL';
+{ my $_subsdone=0;
+sub _init { # To ensure runtimeness.
+    return if $_subsdone;
+    %starts = ( '__MAIN__' =>  main_start() );
+    %roots  = ( '__MAIN__' =>  main_root()  );
+    walksymtable(\%main::, 
+                '_push_starts', 
+                sub { 
+                    return if scalar grep {$_[0] eq $_."::"} @bad_stashes;   
+                    1;
+                }, # Do not eat our own children!
+                '');
+    push @anon_subs, { root => $_->ROOT, start => $_->START} 
+        for grep { class($_) eq "CV" } B::main_cv->PADLIST->ARRAY->ARRAY;
+    $_subsdone=1;
+=head1 NAME
+B::Utils - Helper functions for op tree manipulation
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use B::Utils;
+These functions make it easier to manipulate the op tree.
+=over 3
+=item C<all_starts>
+=item C<all_roots>
+Returns a hash of all of the starting ops or root ops of optrees, keyed
+to subroutine name; the optree for main program is simply keyed to C<__MAIN__>.
+B<Note>: Certain "dangerous" stashes are not scanned for subroutines: 
+the list of such stashes can be found in C<@B::Utils::bad_stashes>. Feel
+free to examine and/or modify this to suit your needs. The intention is
+that a simple program which uses no modules other than C<B> and
+C<B::Utils> would show no addition symbols.
+This does B<not> return the details of ops in anonymous subroutines
+compiled at compile time. For instance, given 
+    $a = sub { ... };
+the subroutine will not appear in the hash. This is just as well, since
+they're anonymous... If you want to get at them, use...
+=item C<anon_subs()>
+This returns an array of hash references. Each element has the keys
+"start" and "root". These are the starting and root ops of all of
+the anonymous subroutines in the program.
+sub all_starts { _init(); return %starts; }
+sub all_roots  { _init(); return %roots; }
+sub anon_subs { _init(); return @anon_subs }
+sub B::GV::_push_starts {
+    my $name = $_[0]->STASH->NAME."::".$_[0]->SAFENAME;
+    return unless ${$_[0]->CV};
+    my $cv = $_[0]->CV;
+    if ($cv->PADLIST->can("ARRAY") and $cv->PADLIST->ARRAY and $cv->PADLIST->ARRAY->can("ARRAY")) {
+        push @anon_subs, { root => $_->ROOT, start => $_->START} 
+            for grep { class($_) eq "CV" } $cv->PADLIST->ARRAY->ARRAY;
+    }
+    return unless ${$cv->START} and ${$cv->ROOT};
+    $starts{$name} = $cv->START;
+    $roots{$name} = $cv->ROOT;
+sub B::SPECIAL::_push_starts{}
+=item C<< $op->oldname >>
+Returns the name of the op, even if it is currently optimized to null.
+This helps you understand the stucture of the op tree.
+sub B::OP::oldname {
+    return substr(B::ppname($_[0]->targ),3) if $_[0]->name eq "null" and $_[0]->targ;
+    return $_[0]->name;
+=item C<< $op->kids >>
+Returns an array of all this op's non-null children, in order.
+sub B::OP::kids {
+    my $op = shift;
+    my @rv;
+    if (class($op) eq "LISTOP") { 
+        $op = $op->first;
+        push @rv, $op while $op->can("sibling") and $op = $op->sibling and $$op;
+        return @rv;
+    }
+    push @rv, $op->first if $op->can("first") and $op->first and ${$op->first};
+    push @rv, $op->last if $op->can("last") and $op->last and ${$op->last};
+    push @rv, $op->other if $op->can("other") and $op->other and ${$op->other};
+    return @rv;
+=item C<< $op->parent >>
+Returns the parent node in the op tree, if possible. Currently "possible" means
+"if the tree has already been optimized"; that is, if we're during a C<CHECK>
+block. (and hence, if we have valid C<next> pointers.)
+In the future, it may be possible to search for the parent before we have the
+C<next> pointers in place, but it'll take me a while to figure out how to do
+sub B::OP::parent {
+    my $target = shift;
+    printf( "parent %s %s=(0x%07x)\n",
+	    B::class( $target),
+	    $target->oldname,
+	    $$target )
+	if $DEBUG;
+    die "I'm not sure how to do this yet. I'm sure there is a way. If you know, please email me."
+        if (!$target->seq);
+    my (%deadend, $search_kids);
+    $search_kids = sub {
+        my $node = shift || return undef;
+	printf( "Searching from %s %s=(0x%07x)\n",
+		class($node)||'?',
+		$node->oldname,
+		$$node )
+	    if $DEBUG;
+        # Go up a level if we've got stuck, and search (for the same
+        # $target) from a higher vantage point.
+        if ( exists $deadend{ $node } )
+	{
+	    printf( "   search parent %s %s=(0x%07x)\n",
+		    B::class( $node ),
+		    $node->oldname,
+		    $$node )
+		if $DEBUG;
+	    return $search_kids->( $node->parent );
+	}
+        # Test the immediate children, but only children we haven't visited
+	# already.
+	my @new_kids = ( grep !$deadend{ $_ },
+			 $node->kids );
+	if ( scalar grep $$_ == $$target, @new_kids )
+	{
+	    return $node;
+	}
+        # Recurse and examine each child, in turn.
+	print( "   search kids\n"
+	       . join( "",
+		       map sprintf( "      %s %s=(0x%07x)\n",
+				    B::class( $_ ),
+				    $_->oldname,
+				    $$_ ),
+		       @new_kids ) )
+	    if $DEBUG and @new_kids;
+	for ( @new_kids )
+	{
+	    my $x = $search_kids->( $_ );
+	    return $x if $x;
+	}
+        # Not in this subtree.
+        $deadend{$node}++;
+        return undef;
+    };
+    my $start = $target;
+    # Skip to the farthest sibling and make a list of each with the most
+    # recent at the beginning of the list.
+    # I am planning ahead for the day when it turns out that the parent
+    # cannot be found in the last sibling somewhere. Maybe it is just a
+    # null? I would like to be able to back track up the tree to find a
+    # ->next node that will bring us to northeast of (or even better,
+    # directly to) the parent.
+    my @siblings = $start;
+    while ( $start and
+	    ${$start->sibling} )
+    {
+	$start = $start->sibling;
+	unshift @siblings, $start;
+	printf( "->sibling %s %s=(0x%07x)\n",
+		class($start)||'null',
+		$start->oldname,
+		$$start )
+	    if $DEBUG;
+    }
+    # Now search each sibling as noted from above.
+    for $start ( @siblings )
+    {
+	my $next = $start;
+	while ( $$next )
+	{
+	    printf( "->next %s %s=(0x%07x)\n",
+		    B::class( $next ),
+		    $next->oldname,
+		    $$next )
+		if $DEBUG;
+	    my $result = $search_kids->( $next );
+	    return $result if $result;
+	}
+	continue
+	{
+	    $next = $next->next;
+	}
+    }
+    # Having reached here... I give up?
+    undef;
+=item C<< $op->previous >>
+Like C<< $op->next >>, but not quite.
+sub B::OP::previous {
+    my $target = shift;
+    my $start = $target;
+    my (%deadend, $search);
+    $search = sub {
+        my $node = shift || die;
+        return $search->(find_parent($node)) if exists $deadend{$node};
+        return $node if $node->{next}==$target;
+        # Recurse
+        my $x;
+        ($_->next == $target and return $_) for $node->kids;
+        defined($x = $search->($_)) and return $x for $node->{kids};
+        # Not in this subtree.
+        $deadend{$node}++;
+        return undef;
+   };
+   my $result;
+   $result = $search->($start) and return $result
+        while $start = $start->next;
+=item walkoptree_simple($op, \&callback, [$data])
+The C<B> module provides various functions to walk the op tree, but
+they're all rather difficult to use, requiring you to inject methods
+into the C<B::OP> class. This is a very simple op tree walker with
+more expected semantics.
+All the C<walk> functions set C<B::Utils::file> and C<B::Utils::line>
+to the appropriate values of file and line number in the program
+being examined.
+our ($file, $line) = ("__none__",0);
+sub walkoptree_simple {
+    my ($op, $callback, $data) = @_;
+    ($file, $line) = ($op->file, $op->line) if $op->isa("B::COP");
+    $callback->($op,$data);
+    if ($$op && ($op->flags & OPf_KIDS)) {
+        my $kid;
+        for ($kid = $op->first; $$kid; $kid = $kid->sibling) {
+            walkoptree_simple($kid, $callback, $data);
+        }
+    }
+=item walkoptree_filtered($op, \&filter, \&callback, [$data])
+This is much the same as C<walkoptree_simple>, but will only call the
+callback if the C<filter> returns true. The C<filter> is passed the 
+op in question as a parameter; the C<opgrep> function is fantastic 
+for building your own filters.
+sub walkoptree_filtered {
+    my ($op, $filter, $callback, $data) = @_;
+    ($file, $line) = ($op->file, $op->line) if $op->isa("B::COP");
+    $callback->($op,$data) if $filter->($op);
+    if ($$op && ($op->flags & OPf_KIDS)) {
+        my $kid;
+        for ($kid = $op->first; $$kid; $kid = $kid->sibling) {
+            walkoptree_filtered($kid, $filter, $callback, $data);
+        }
+    }
+=item walkallops_simple(\&callback, [$data])
+This combines C<walkoptree_simple> with C<all_roots> and C<anon_subs>
+to examine every op in the program. C<$B::Utils::sub> is set to the
+subroutine name if you're in a subroutine, C<__MAIN__> if you're in
+the main program and C<__ANON__> if you're in an anonymous subroutine.
+our $sub;
+sub walkallops_simple {
+    my ($callback, $data) = @_;
+    _init();
+    for $sub (keys %roots) {
+        walkoptree_simple($roots{$sub}, $callback, $data);
+    }
+    $sub = "__ANON__";
+    for (@anon_subs) {
+        walkoptree_simple($_->{root}, $callback, $data);
+    }
+=item walkallops_filtered(\&filter, \&callback, [$data])
+Same as above, but filtered.
+sub walkallops_filtered {
+    my ($filter, $callback, $data) = @_;
+    _init();
+    for $sub (keys %roots) {
+        walkoptree_filtered($roots{$sub}, $filter, $callback, $data);
+    }
+    $sub = "__ANON__";
+    for (@anon_subs) {
+        walkoptree_filtered($_->{root}, $filter, $callback, $data);
+    }
+=item carp(@args) 
+=item croak(@args) 
+Warn and die, respectively, from the perspective of the position of the op in
+the program. Sounds complicated, but it's exactly the kind of error reporting
+you expect when you're grovelling through an op tree.
+sub _preparewarn {
+    my $args = join '', @_;
+    $args = "Something's wrong " unless $args;
+    $args .= " at $file line $line.\n" unless substr($args, length($args) -1) eq "\n";
+sub carp  (@) { CORE::die(preparewarn(@_)) }
+sub croak (@) { CORE::warn(preparewarn(@_)) }
+=item opgrep(\%conditions, @ops)
+Returns the ops which meet the given conditions. The conditions should be
+specified like this:
+    @barewords = opgrep(
+                        { name => "const", private => OPpCONST_BARE },
+                        @ops
+                       );
+You can specify alternation by giving an arrayref of values:
+    @svs = opgrep ( { name => ["padsv", "gvsv"] }, @ops)
+And you can specify inversion by making the first element of the arrayref
+a "!". (Hint: if you want to say "anything", say "not nothing": C<["!"]>)
+You may also specify the conditions to be matched in nearby ops.
+    walkallops_filtered(
+        sub { opgrep( {name => "exec", 
+                       next => {
+                                 name    => "nextstate",
+                                 sibling => { name => [qw(! exit warn die)] }
+                               }
+                      }, @_)},
+        sub { 
+              carp("Statement unlikely to be reached"); 
+              carp("\t(Maybe you meant system() when you said exec()?)\n");
+        }
+    )
+Get that?
+Here are the things that can be tested:
+        name targ type seq flags private pmflags pmpermflags
+        first other last sibling next pmreplroot pmreplstart pmnext
+sub opgrep {
+    my ($cref, @ops) = @_;
+    my %conds = %$cref;
+    my @rv = ();
+    my $o;
+    OPLOOP: for $o (@ops) {
+        # First, let's skim off ops of the wrong type.
+        for (qw(first other last pmreplroot pmreplstart pmnext pmflags pmpermflags)) {
+            next OPLOOP if exists $conds{$_} and !$o->can($_);
+        }
+        for my $test (qw(name targ type seq flags private pmflags pmpermflags)) {
+            next unless exists $conds{$test};
+            next OPLOOP unless ref $o and $o->can($test);
+	    if (!ref $conds{$test}) {
+	       next OPLOOP if $o->$test ne $conds{$test};
+	    } else {
+		    if ($conds{$test}[0] eq "!") {
+			my @conds = @{$conds{$test}}; shift @conds;
+			next OPLOOP if grep {$o->$test eq $_} @conds;
+		    } else {
+			next OPLOOP unless grep {$o->$test eq $_} @{$conds{$test}};
+		    }
+	    }
+        }
+        for my $neighbour (qw(first other last sibling next pmreplroot pmreplstart pmnext)) {
+            next unless exists $conds{$neighbour};
+            # We know it can, because we tested that above
+            # Recurse, recurse!
+            next OPLOOP unless opgrep($conds{$neighbour}, $o->$neighbour);
+        }
+        push @rv, $_;
+    }
+    return @rv;
+=head2 EXPORT
+None by default.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Simon Cozens, C<simon at cpan.org>
+=head1 TODO
+I need to add more Fun Things, and possibly clean up some parts where
+the (previous/parent) algorithm has catastrophic cases, but it's more
+important to get this out right now than get it right.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<B>, L<B::Generate>.

Added: B-Utils/t/02basic.t
--- (empty file)
+++ B-Utils/t/02basic.t	Wed Aug 13 09:06:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
+# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl'
+# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';
+use Test;
+BEGIN { plan tests => 1 };
+use B::Utils;
+ok(1); # If we made it this far, we're ok.
+# Insert your test code below, the Test module is use()ed here so read
+# its man page ( perldoc Test ) for help writing this test script.

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