[Jifty-commit] r4623 - in jifty/trunk: lib/Jifty/Plugin lib/Jifty/Plugin/Monitoring lib/Jifty/Plugin/Monitoring/Command lib/Jifty/Plugin/Monitoring/Model

jifty-commit at lists.jifty.org jifty-commit at lists.jifty.org
Wed Dec 5 20:15:41 EST 2007

Author: alexmv
Date: Wed Dec  5 20:15:40 2007
New Revision: 4623

   jifty/trunk/   (props changed)

 r25456 at zoq-fot-pik:  chmrr | 2007-12-05 20:13:46 -0500
  * Monitoring plugin

Added: jifty/trunk/lib/Jifty/Plugin/Monitoring.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ jifty/trunk/lib/Jifty/Plugin/Monitoring.pm	Wed Dec  5 20:15:40 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring;
+use base qw/Jifty::Plugin Exporter/;
+use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
+our $VERSION = 0.01;
+=head1 NAME
+Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring - Provides a framework for profiling and
+monitoring services
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+In your F<config.yml>:
+  Plugins:
+    - Monitoring: {}
+By writing modules, and scheduling the running of C<jifty cron>,
+repeating events can be scheduled at various frequencies.  It also
+provides functionality for sampling and recording profiling or usage
+statistics from your jifty application.
+The configuration in F<config.yml> accepts one possible parameter,
+C<path>, which should be the base class under which all monitoring
+classes are found.  This defaults to C<AppName::Monitor>.  C<path> may
+also be an array refence of classes to search under.
+Each class monitoring class should C<use Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring>.
+This will import several functions, which allow you to write
+monitoring code as follows:
+  use Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring;
+  monitor users => every 30 => minutes, sub {
+      my $monitor = shift;
+      my $collection = AppName::Model::UserCollection->new;
+      $collection->unlimit;
+      data_point all => $collection->count;
+      data_point yaks => int(rand(100));
+  };
+Monitors must have distinct names.  Time units supported by this
+syntax include the singular and plural forms of C<minute>, C<hour>,
+C<day>, C<week>, C<month>, and C<year>.
+__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/base_classes monitors now current_monitor/);
+our @EXPORT = qw/monitor every
+                 minute minutes
+                 hour hours
+                 day days
+                 week weeks
+                 month months
+                 year years
+                 data_point timer/;
+    for my $time (qw/minute hour day week month year/) {
+        for my $plural ( "", "s" ) {
+            my $method = $time . $plural;
+            no strict 'refs';
+            *{ __PACKAGE__ . "::" . $method }
+                = sub { return $time };
+        }
+    }
+These methods are used in your monitoring classes to define monitors.
+=head2 every
+Syntactic sugar helper method, which allows you to write:
+  every 3 => minutes, sub { ... };
+  every qw/3 minutes/, sub { ... };
+sub every {
+    unshift @_, 1 if @_ == 2;
+    my ($count, $units, $sub) = @_;
+    $units =~ s/s$//;
+    return ($count, $units, $sub);
+=head2 monitor
+Syntactic sugar which defines a monitor.  Use it in conjunction with
+  monitor "name", every qw/3 minutes/ => sub { ... };
+sub monitor {
+    my ($self) = Jifty->find_plugin('Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring');
+    $self ||= $Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring::self;
+    $self->add_monitor(@_);
+=head2 data_point NAME, VALUE [, CATEGORY]
+Records a data point, associating C<NAME> to C<VALUE> at the current
+time.  C<CATEGORY> defaults to the name of the monitor that the data
+point is inside of.
+sub data_point {
+    my ($self) = Jifty->find_plugin('Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring');
+    $self ||= $Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring::self;
+    my $category = @_ == 3 ? shift : $self->current_monitor->{name};
+    my ($name, $value) = @_;    
+    my $data = Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring::Model::MonitoredDataPoint->new();
+    $data->create(
+        category => $category,
+        sample_name => $name,
+        value => $value,
+        sampled_at => $self->now,
+    );
+=head2 timer MECH, URL
+Uses L<Time::HiRes> to time how long it takes the given
+L<WWW::Mechanize> object C<MECH> to retrueve the given C<URL>.
+Returns the number of seconds elapsed.
+sub timer {
+    my $mech = shift;
+    my $url = shift;
+    my $t0 = [gettimeofday];
+    $mech->get($url);
+    return tv_interval($t0);
+These are primarily used by
+L<Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring::Command::Cron>; you will not need to call
+these in most uses of this plugin.
+=head2 init
+Looks for and loads all monitoring classes.  During the loading
+process, the monitors defined in each class are found and stored for
+later reference.
+sub init {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %args = @_;
+    my @path = $args{path} ? @{$args{path}} : (Jifty->app_class("Monitor"));
+    $self->base_classes(\@path);
+    $self->monitors({});
+    local $Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring::self = $self;
+    Jifty::Module::Pluggable->import(
+        require => 1,
+        search_path => \@path,
+        except => qr/\.#/,
+        sub_name => 'monitor_classes',
+    );
+    $self->monitor_classes;
+=head2 add_monitor NAME COUNT UNIT SUB
+A class method used to add a monitor with the given C<NAME> and
+C<SUB>, which is scheduled to be run every C<COUNT> C<UNIT>s.
+sub add_monitor {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($name, $count, $units, $sub) = @_;
+    $self->monitors->{$name} = { name => $name, sub => $sub, count => $count, unit => $units };
+=head2 last_run NAME
+Looks up and returns the L<Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring::Model::LastRun>
+object for this monitor; creates one if one does not exist, and sets
+it to the previous round time it would have run.
+sub last_run {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($name) = @_;
+    my $last = Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring::Model::LastRun->new();
+    $last->load_or_create( name => $name );
+    return $last if $last->last_run;
+    my $unit = $self->monitors->{$name}->{unit};
+    my $now = Jifty::DateTime->now->truncate( to => $unit );
+    warn "No last run time for monitor $name; inserting $now\n";
+    $last->set_last_run($now);
+    return $last;
+=head2 current_user
+Monitors presumable run as superuser; thus, this method returns the
+application's superuser object.
+sub current_user {
+    return Jifty->app_class("CurrentUser")->superuser;
+=head2 current_monitor
+Returns a hashref, with keys of C<name>, C<sub>, C<count>, and
+C<units>, which describe the monitor which is crrently running, if
+=head2 now
+For consistency, the current concept of "now" is fixed while the
+monitor is running.  Use this method to determine when "now" is.
+=head2 run_monitors
+For each monitor that we know of, checks to see if it is due to be
+run, and runs it if it is.
+sub run_monitors {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $now = Jifty::DateTime->now->truncate( to => "minute" );
+    $now->set_time_zone("UTC");
+    $self->now($now);
+    for my $name (keys %{$self->monitors}) {
+        my $last = $self->last_run($name);
+        my %monitor = %{$self->monitors->{$name}};
+        my $next = $last->last_run->add( $monitor{unit}."s" => $monitor{count} );
+        warn "For monitor $name, next $next, now $now\n";
+        next unless $now >= $next;
+        warn "Cron not being run often enough: we skipped a '$name'!\n"
+          if $now >= $next->add( $monitor{unit}."s" => $monitor{count} );
+        warn "Running monitor $name\n";
+        $self->current_monitor(\%monitor);
+        eval {
+            $monitor{sub}->($self);
+        };
+        if (my $error = $@) {
+            warn "Error running monitor $name: $error\n";
+        } else {
+            $last->set_last_run($now);
+        }
+    }
+    $self->current_monitor(undef);

Added: jifty/trunk/lib/Jifty/Plugin/Monitoring/Command/Cron.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ jifty/trunk/lib/Jifty/Plugin/Monitoring/Command/Cron.pm	Wed Dec  5 20:15:40 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring::Command::Cron;
+# note that you'll need a patch to App::CLI to allow arbitrary
+# files to define new commands
+package Jifty::Script::Cron;
+use base qw/App::CLI::Command/;
+=head1 NAME
+Jifty::Script::Cron - Runs any monitoring services
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+If your app uses L<Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring>, this script should be
+run by your cron daemon.  The frequency it should be run is
+determinded by the LCM of the monitors you have scheduled.  Running it
+more frequently that this is not harmful, except by consuming come
+=head2 options
+Takes no options.
+=head2 run
+Examines the application, looking for an instance of the monitoring
+plugin, and runs it.
+sub run {
+    my $self = shift;
+    Jifty->new;
+    my ($monitor) = Jifty->find_plugin('Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring');
+    die "Monitoring is not enabled for @{[Jifty->app_class]}\n" unless $monitor;
+    $monitor->run_monitors;
+=head2 filename
+This is used as a hack to get L<App::CLI> to retrieve our POD correctly.
+Inner packages are not given in C<%INC>. If anyone finds a way around this,
+please let us know.
+sub filename { __FILE__ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Copyright 2007 Best Practical Solutions
+This is free software and may be modified and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.

Added: jifty/trunk/lib/Jifty/Plugin/Monitoring/Model/LastRun.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ jifty/trunk/lib/Jifty/Plugin/Monitoring/Model/LastRun.pm	Wed Dec  5 20:15:40 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring::Model::LastRun;
+use base qw( Jifty::Record );
+use Jifty::DBI::Schema;
+use Jifty::Record schema {
+    column name =>
+        type is 'varchar',
+        is distinct,
+        is required;
+    column last_run =>
+        type is 'timestamp',
+        filters are 'Jifty::DBI::Filter::DateTime';

Added: jifty/trunk/lib/Jifty/Plugin/Monitoring/Model/MonitoredDataPoint.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ jifty/trunk/lib/Jifty/Plugin/Monitoring/Model/MonitoredDataPoint.pm	Wed Dec  5 20:15:40 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Jifty::Plugin::Monitoring::Model::MonitoredDataPoint;
+use base qw( Jifty::Record );
+use Jifty::DBI::Schema;
+use Jifty::Record schema {
+    column category =>
+        type is 'varchar',
+        is required;
+    column sample_name =>
+        type is 'varchar',
+        is required;
+    column value =>
+        type is 'varchar',
+        is required;
+    column sampled_at =>
+        type is 'datetime',
+        filters are 'Jifty::DBI::Filter::DateTime';

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